Chapter 20

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Alicia's POV

Once again, days had gone by since Landon and I had had any proper contact. I only spoke to him when I absolutely had to, and he did the same. I was still shocked that he could change so swiftly in a matter of days – heck, how about a matter of minutes? On a cheerier note, Christmas was in two days! I couldn't believe how quickly it had crept upon us. I was really wondering what was planned for the day. Mrs. Ingram was suffering with such severe fatigue from the past weeks, seeing as she had been working like crazy. Landon and I had to give her space, which was terrible for me because that meant bumping into him more often. I was bored so I was roaming the house and all its different rooms, but since half of them were locked, I wasn't having much luck. I sighed, deciding I would head to the piano room. At least it would help me relax. I could see Mrs. Ingram in the next lounge over, laying on the couch, her hand over her face. My feet slid a little on the marble floor, stumbling me for a minute as I fought to maintain my balance.

“So you have a knack for tripping over flat surfaces, I see,” I must have been too caught up looking around to see his form leaning into the couch.

“Only when I see something hideous,” I stood a little taller, crossing my arms.

He only chuckled and made his way towards me.

“But you didn't even see me. You don't need to pretend you did.”

I took a few steps back, determined to stay as far from him as possible, but he kept advancing.

“I wouldn't waste my time pretending with you,” I scoffed as I slowly made a circle around the living room spread, placing more distance between us.

“You've been avoiding me,” he stopped for a minute to trace an imaginary pattern on the grand piano.

“That's not hard to do,” I replied, holding his gaze to make sure he didn't get anything over me.

His eyes weren't their usual shade of blue...again.

“What's that supposed to mean?” He growled.

I began to pick at the brick on the showpiece fireplace.

“You make yourself scarce and I'd be out of my mind to even bother looking for your company,” I said clearly.

I knew I shouldn't be saying some of the things I was, but my annoyance and the feeling of betrayal I had towards him were making them hard to keep in. I saw his fist clench at his side and his eyes went darker. My stomach turned when I saw his angry stance. I knew if I had to run, I couldn't make it. We'd either wake Mrs. Ingram or my feet would betray me on the blasted floor. Within minutes, he was at my side, a hand on either side of me, pinning me against the fireplace.

“Am I that disgusting to be around?” His breath was fanning over my face and though I wanted to prove I wasn't scared, I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes.

I nodded. “Don't tell me you don't realize your attitude is offensive.”

He pushed me even farther into the wall, the brick prickling my sensitive skin.

“After all this time, you still don't know when to shut your mouth,” he whispered lowly, close to my ear.

“I'm not your toy. I'm not like the others who quiver and scamper at your every whim,” I whispered back, proud with myself for stating the facts.

I took a chance to glance at him quickly, but when I did, there was amusement written across his features.

“Let's get out of here for the afternoon. Just me and you.”

I looked at him incredulously, shoving his now loosened form off of me and the wall to strut past him.

“In your dreams! You don't treat a girl like dirt and then expect her to willingly agree to going somewhere with you. Alone.”

I moved faster, heading for the stairs. Once again he caught me. Can this guy not keep his hands to himself? I glared at him.

“Get your hands off of me for the last time!”

He pulled me by my wrists closer to him.

“You make a deal of this and my mother will hear you from the next room,” he warned.

“Landon,” I started, but he cut me off with a hand over my mouth.

“Don't test me and let's just go.”

I studied his eyes for a good couple seconds, trying to decide if it was in my better judgement to just give in and go. And on top of that, I didn't particularly enjoy making him angry and then suffering the effects. Decided, I left a trail of saliva on his palm.

“Ew!” He cursed, whipping his hand away and shaking it in disgust.

“If you expect a girl to agree with you, you have to let her speak.”


Landon's POV

The city seemed even busier than the last time I was in its depths. Most likely due to the nearness of the holiday season. I pulled the car to the side at a coffee shop I was sure Alicia would love. I'm still surprised I was able to convince her to come. She seems like she wants to be friends with me, but then she holds back. I'm far from easy to get along with.

I climbed out of the car to hear her asking, “Where are we going?”

Taking my place behind her, I steered her along with my hand on her lower back. I could feel her squirm under my touch. I pointed across the street at the coffee shop along the harbour. As she caught sight of it, her lips tugged into a smile. The building was a soft brown colour with booths and bars. A part of it hung over the wharf a bit in a glass enclosed dome. It was warm in contrast to the cold December air, and it had the typical smell of coffee. It was my favourite place in all of London to come and think and what better place to bring her? I didn't let go of her hand, in fact, I squeezed it tighter. She looked up at me under her eyelashes quickly, the look on her face telling me that she was determining what I was feeling with that sudden and simple motion. I pulled her to a booth, in the glass dome, that overlooked the sea. As we sat down, her face was glued to it like a child at a candy store. I smiled as I watched the awe in her gaze.

Elbows on the table, I leaned forward, “So, tell me about yourself.” 

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