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Here they were on their private plane flying back to Washington. Jack was sitting down when Jackie walked by coming back from the bathroom. Jack grabbed her by her waist and sat her down in his lap.

Jack leaned up and kissed her. "Thank you for coming with me, I know how tired you are." Jackie smiled "anything for you Bunny!"

As she stood up fixing to sit back into her seat her water broke! they were still 20 minuets out from Washington.

Jack told Jackie they could land and find a hospital but Jackie wanted to wait till the got back to Washington.

Her contracts started to intensify with every ten minuets that passed. Jack told her to breath that it was going to be okay. He held her ham the whole time. Jack had Jackie propped

Up on him hoping that it would ease the pain a bit. She let out a loud scream and almost broke Jack's hand.

"Can this thing not go any faster? Damn it."

"We are fixing to land right now."

Bobby met them at the plane and they got Jackie into the car and bobby drove so fast to the hospital. They busted in the hospital.

"I need a wheel chair now! HURRY PLEASE!" jack is screaming for help.

Nurses rush over and get them into a room. Jack is hold Jackie's hand the whole time.

Finally it was time to push. After an hour of pushing, Jack and Jackie became parents of a baby girl! Jackie began to cry and Jack tried not to but did any way. They were so happy!

Her name was Caroline Bouvier Kennedy. It was the other love of his life! She was perfect. Jack could keep his hands of her. He wanted to hold her the whole time. Finally the nurses to her to the nursery. Jackie fell asleep.

Jack and Bobby walked down to the nursery and watched the new Kennedy sleep. "She looks just like you Jack." Bobby said as he nudged Jack.

"She has Jackie's nose and mouth. I hope she has a heart like Jackie too."

Soon enough the whole family was their to greet their new family member Everyone was in aw of her. She was absolutely adorable and perfect.

Everything Jackie an Jack ever wanted. They were so happy!

The first few nights were pretty rough but they adjusted quickly. Jack hated having to go to work and leaving Jackie and Caroline. So Jack would call every chance he got and got off work early to come home to them.

Jack never knew that it would be this fun to be a father! He was having so much fun! Jackie loved to watch Jack play with Caroline. Jackie would joke with Jack 1 and Jack 2. Sometimes at night when Jackie would wake and Jack wasn't there she would find Jack in Caroline's nursery watching her sleep.

Election was just right around the corner. Everyone was on pins and needles. Everyone but Jack. No matter how angry he got, he always thought of Jackie and Caroline. They were his corner stone. What made Jack get up in the morning.

Election Day! everyone was at the Kennedy house. The women were all over Caroline, not paying the tv a lick of attention. The men were in the loving watching the election. Things got pretty tense so Jack walked out on the balcony. Jackie noticed that he went outside so she picked up Caroline and walked out. Jackie placed Caroline's lips on Jack's cheeks. She gave him a huge wet kiss. But Jack loved it. Jack laughed as he took Caroline from Jackie. Jackie leaned over and kissed Jack. "What's wrong bunny?" Jack looked at Caroline ad then back at Jackie. "Ehh I just got tired of sitting in there listening to them talk about non sense."

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