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Since the doctors wasn't open till the morning, Jack just had Jackie rest. She he took her upstairs and put her in bed. He followed shortly after.

Even though it didn't matter as soon as she got to sleep good she was up getting sick. Jack followed her each time. The past time she got up, Jack sat beside her in the floor.


"Yea bunny?"

"I think your pregnant!"

"I can't be. there's no way. it's probably something I ate."

"Mmm huh okay we will see tomorrow."

"Yes we will."

Jack got her back in bed, got her a glass of water, and put a cold wash cloth on her forehead.

8 a.m. rolled around fast. Jackie seemed to be feeling a little better but Jack still took her to the doctors. When they got there they ran a few tests. They had to wait what seemed like forever for the results. Jack leaned over to Jackie.

"I bet your pregnant."

"Hush Jack!"

The doctor walks in reading her chart.

"Well Mrs.Kennedy, your pregnant! Congratulations!"

"Thank you doctor!"

"I knew it!" Jack jumps up and kisses Jackie.

"Well I'm excited now!"

When they got home they told Caroline and John John!

They were so excited! They couldn't wait for the baby to get here.

The next day Jack walked into the Oval Office. Bobby and Ted were in there waiting on him. Jack was in the best mood and couldn't stop smiling the whole day!

"Alight Jack spill the beans. what's up with you?"

"Nothing Bobby."

"Come on you're never this happy unless you and Jackie just had sex or she is pregnant which one is it?"


"She pregnant isn't she?"

"You can't say a word we just found out yesterday!"

Ted jumped up first

"Congrats bro!"

Bobby followed Ted.

"Thanks guys!"

About an hour later Jackie walks in with John John.

"Someone has missed their daddy!"

"Who wouldn't!"

"Hello Jackie, how are you?"

"Hey Bobby, I'm great, how are you?"


Bobby couldn't stop smiling the whole time.

"Alright Bobby I know you know I'm pregnant."

"I don't know what your talking about Jackie."

"I'm not stupid. You told him Jack!"

"What? no! he hassled it out of me!"

Jack said laughing hard!

"Yeah I did do that didn't I!"

Bobby said laughing.

Ted got up and hugged Jackie and congratulated her!

"You Kennedy brothers are something else! I tell you what!"

Jack looked at Jackie and started to laugh.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean Jack!"

Ted stood up fixing to leave.

"So when do you plan on telling the rest of the family?"

"Soon, just don't tell anyone!"

Jackie said giving him a dirty look.

He put both hands up.

"Okay okay I won't!"

Jack laughed!

"You got to love a strong women!"

Jackie rolled her eyes and picked John John up out of Jack's lap.

"Well we better get going. It's his nap time and you have work to do. I love you bunny!"

"I love you too Jackie!"

When Jack got done working he went up to the resident. Caroline an John John were already in bed. He didn't realize it was so late. He went into their room careful not to wake Jackie.

When he got into bed. He got snuggled in and he felt Jackie crawl over and cuddle up to him. He loved when she did that. He leaned down and kissed her head.

"I love you bunny!"

"I love you too baby!"

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