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They had just finished dinner. Now it was time for everyone to settle into bed. The kids were getting ready for bed by running around. Bobby and Jack chased a lot of them around and caught them. Jackie and Ethel were downstairs cleaning up the dinner mess.

"Who knew we could dirty so much stuff up?"
"Well Jackie it's because we had about 20 people eating dinner."
"Oh I know that!"

They shared a laugh. Jack and Bobby had put the kids to bed and walked downstairs. Jack snuck up behind Jackie and rapped his arms around her. Bobby doing the same.

They walked to the couch and started watching tv. It was getting late Bobby and Ethel went on to bed. Jack and Jackie were snuggled up on the couch together. They both were very sleepy. They got up fixing to make their way to bed, when Ted and Joan walked in. Both looked extremely tired.

Jackie asked worried.
Ted smiled.
"We're pregnant!"

"That's great guys! congratulations!"
"Congrats bro!"

They hugged and went to bed.

Jack and Jackie were snuggled up in bed.

"Yes bunny?"
"Do you think we should have more babies?"
"Yes! But not like what Bobby and Ethel have!"
Jack laughed.
"Oh no! so like maybe one or two more?"
"Yes bunny!"
"Okay, I love you baby, goodnight!"
"I love you too bunny!, goodnight!"

The next morning they are awakened by Ethel screaming.

"These triplets want out now!"

Then they hear Bobby running down the hall.

Jack turns to Jackie.

"To many pregnant Kennedy's around here!"
"You're telling me!"

They get up running to find Ethel and Bobby walking down the stairs.

"Jack and Jackie can y'all watch the kids?"


They get out the door and head to the hospital.

Ted and Joan walk downstairs.

"What's all the commotion?"

"Well Ted out brother is about to be a father again, again, and again!"
"No way!"
"They just left!"
"We were going to tell them we were expecting this morning..."
"Tell them when they call us all up to the hospital!"

Ted nodded and him and Joan went back to bed. Since it was still early.

"How about we make breakfast for everyone?
"You John Fitzgerald Kennedy, make breakfast?"
"Well you could help me.....okay you can teach me!"
"Okay let's go bunny!"

They began cooking breakfast when the kids started to wake up. Caroline of course to be the first.

"Good morning Mommy and Daddy!"
"Good morning Buttons!"
"Good morning Baby girl!"

"Daddy what are you doing?"
"Since when do you cook?"
Jack and Jackie laughed.
"I do cook sometimes, when your mother helps me!"
"She is a good helper!"
"Yes yes she is!"

The phone rang. It was Bobby.

"The triplets are here!"
"Congrats! okay so let us feed the kids and we will all be up!"
"Okay sounds good see you then!"

"The triplets were born!"
"Wow that was fast!"
"I know!"
"Okay so lets get these kiss feed and head up there!"

They got the kids seated and got them feed.

"Okay kids lets go!"
"Where are we going?"
"To your new brothers or sisters and for the rest of us to meet our new cousins or nieces or nephews!"

They had to take a few cars. Jack and Jackie shared a car, Ted drove one, and Joan drove one just so everyone could go! once they were there, they all rushed into the hospital. I think they scared half the people who were there.

They walk into their room. Where Ethel was holding a girl. Her name was Jackie! Bobby had two Boys. One named Jack and the other Joe.

"Oh Ethel they are beautiful!"
"Thank you Jackie!"

Jack cleared his throat.
"I think Ted an Joan wanted to tell everyone something!"

"We're pregnant!"


Everyone was so excited.

Bobby looked at Jack.

"So when are you and Jackie going to catch up with me and Ethel?"
"When you stop having kids. Because if you have anymore it really will be cheaper by the dozen!"
"Ha-ha-ha very funny! Jack!"
"Well it's true."

"You boys are just like your kids!"

Bobby and Jack laughed.

"No Jackie, your husband is a child!"

"NO you're baby bobby! When you say baby bobby you almost say baby bottle!!!!"

Every started laughing.

"Grow up Jack!"
"I am, now it's your turn!"

"Okay Jack, Caroline, Patrick, Brooklyn, and Robert time to go, lets go so they can rest!"

Jack picked up Brooklyn and Robert and Jackie held John John and Patricks hands. Caroline walked beside Jack. The press stormed in around them.

Jack looked at Jackie she was about to lose her cool.

"Mr. President! why aren't you at the white house?"
"My brother just became a Dad I'm not going to miss that, we are all on our way back to the White House. Please give my family privacy!"

As soon as he said that a photographer jumped out to get a picture and knocked Caroline down. Jack handed the babies over to Jackie.

"You just knocked my daughter down! Are you kidding me?

"Jack no!"

"No Jackie, I'm sick of this."

The secret service made the press back up. Jack, Jackie and the kids got into the car and drove off.

"I hate press!"
"So do I bunny!"
"Why did that man knock me down Daddy?"
"Because he is an idiot."
"I'm sorry Jackie but I hate them!"
"I know I know!"

They got back to the Kennedy compound and packed then went back to the White House. Jack had work to finish so he would joint his family in an hour.

After he worked some he went up to join his family. They were all watching cartoons. They loved Tom and Jerry. It was their favorite cartoon.

They put the kids down for bed. Then Jack an Jackie went into their room. They were getting ready for bed. Jackie had walked into the bathroom to freshen up when Jack started talking.

"Yes bunny?"
"Do you want anymore kids?"
"Yes Jack! Do you?"
"Of course I do!"
"When you're ready!"
"How about next month when the twins turn one?"
"That sounds like a plan!"
"I love you Jack!"
"I love you too Jackie!"

To those who may be confused with the names. I wanted to change things up a bit. I know that Joe is the oldest of Bobby and Ethel. I just got bred writing the same thing. It happens. I'm sorry. But I like to shake things up. Sorry if your not happy with it. I didn't do it to make people mad or anything. But I like to change things around. Like in the bio I did state that its not actually how they met so I figured why not. It's fiction. Thanks for the response of curiosity though! I hope everyone is enjoying my story. I'm not sure if I should end it and start something new or keep going and start something new. Feedback would be great! Thanks!

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