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Jack wanted to take Jackie out because they haven't been out since Caroline was born which had been a long time since she is 2 now. So since the many came with them to Camp David Jack saw the opportunity and took it.

Jack walked upstairs and found Jackie in the bath. He went and sat on the edge if the bath tube.
"So I want to take you out.....on a date. So be ready by 7."
"Okay! bunny I can't wait!"

7 o'clock and Jack took Jackie to a small restaurant. They began to talk about everything. And then Jack opened up.
"Jackie can we have another baby?"
Jackie looked up and her eyes meet Jacks. She looked confused because Jack normal never talks about their sex in public.
"Well of course I do bunny!"
"Well then we will be having a baby!"

When they got home they were bored.
"Psst Jackie!"
"Lets sneak out!"
"What? Jack have you lost your mind. How would we ever get past the secret service.?"
" I will create a distraction."

Jack goes up stairs and picks up and empty box and throws it out the window and hits the brushes cause to make a loud noise.

"Run Jackie run!"

They make it past the secret service. They take a walk and they find a little park. And they got on the swings. They had the time of their lives. They laughed so much.

It was time to go back.
"Jack how are we gonna get back in"
"We are just going to walk back in!"
"And when they get mad and say something."
"I'm the President which makes me the Bad ass in this situation. "
Jackie rolls her eyes.

"Good evening boys!"
"Mr.President. You can't leave without telling us."
"I'm in titled to alone time with my wife."

Jack picks Jackie up an heads up stairs. "Lets go make a baby!"

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