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It was about 3 months into Jackie's pregnancy. Jack had asked he to attend a dinner with him. So she agreed. And they went.

It was so boring. They didn't understand why they had

To be there if they were speaking they were they just to be a pretty face. Jack looked over at Jackie and noticed she was looking off into space.

"Psst Jackie."

"Yeah bunny."

"You want to leave?"

"Yeah but how would we get out of here?"

"Didn't think that far...."

"I'm having baby problems. I really want to go to bed!"

Jackie winked at Jack and he knew what she was doing.

Jack leaned over to his secret service agent.

"Hey um we need to get out of here, Jackie isn't feeling to well. You know baby stuff."

"Okay Mr.President follow me."

Jack grabbed Jackie's hand and put his arm around her with half his hand on her stomach.

Everyone looked. But didn't say a thing. They got back to the White House. They went up stairs and got changed and then cuddled on the couch. They soon fell asleep in each others arms.

Jack woke up early and saw Jackie laying in his lap. She didn't look comfortable so he picked her up and moved her to the bed and tucked her in. Jack went into the bathroom. When he came back he was walking over to the window. He was looking out of the window look threw the darkness.


"Yes Baby?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Will you come lay with me?"

Jack walks over to the bed and gets in. He wraps his arms around her and places his hand on her stomach. She loved when he did that! she ha the biggest smile on her face. She looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you bunny!"

"I love you to kid!"

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