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Jack drags himself into the Oval Office. Where Bobby and Ted are.

"Why are you two always here? do you ever go home?"

Jack gives Bobby a dirty look.

"Whoa what has you pissed off this morning?"
"I haven't slept."
"Twins huh?"
"Good luck with the triplets! I love the babies to death but I need sleep."
"Oh boy!"

Jack yells for mrs. Lincoln.
"Can you get me a coffee?"
"Yes sir!"

"I'm serious Bobby. It's harder because there is two instead of one. And you will have three?!?! I wish you the best of Luck!"
"Thanks bro."

Jack nodded. And smiled.

Then all of the Kennedy kids came running in. Caroline, John John and Patrick surround Jack while the others pile on top of Bobby!

"Daddy can we have chewing gum?"
"What did your mother say buttons?"
"She doesn't like us eating chewing gum!"
"Okay fine just don't your mother."
The three of them yelled "I won't daddy!"

Jack laughed as he put Caroline in his lap.
"So where is mrs. shaw?"
"Oh we are hiding from her."
"How so?"
"She turned away to grab our stuff for snack and we all ran out the door."
"So you sneaked out?"

Jack laughed.

"Well Bobby! It looks like we have a couple badasses on our hands!"
"I would rightfully say so my self Jack!"

John John looks up at Jack.

"Daddy what's a badasses?"
"Something you never say in front of your mother or ever say again!"

Mrs. shaw runs in with Jackie behind her. Jackie has both Robert and Brooklyn.

"She mrs. shaw they are always going to be in the oval."
"Oh mr. President I'm sorry, I turned around for a second ad they were all gone!"

Jack laughed.

"No that's alright. I enjoy their company."


Bobby screams from under a pile of kids. Caroline jumps down off of Jack's lap and goes and jumps on top of the other kids as they have wrestled Bobby to the ground.

"Well Bobby you're own your own on this!"

Jack laughed.

"Jack gave the kids gum Jackie!"
"He did what?"
"I didn't do that Bobby is just saying that."
"No Jackie, go check the trash for all o the gum wrappers."

Jackie walks over to the trash. There she finds all of the empty gum wrappers. She gives Jack a look.

"You rat!"
"That's what happens when you don't help me out."
"You will never get my help now Bobby!"
"You ass!"

Jackie stops.

"Bobby we don't use that kind of language around my children!"
"Well Jack said it before you walked in and John John repeated it!"

Jack has fire in his eyes.

"Yes I am Jack!"

Jackie turns to Jack.

"You're in trouble mr. President."
Jack winked a Jackie.

"I know!"
Jackie's turns red.

"Ewwwww you two are sick!"
"Shut the hell up Bobby!"
"No you shut up Jack!"

"Boys do I need to put you in separate offices?"
"Maybe, if Bobby can't grow up!"
"Hey I am grown up thank you!"

Jack rolls his eyes.

"Okay who is ready for bed?"

All of the kids at once yelled.

"No now come on its late. You to Jack!"

Jack smiles.

"Coming mrs. Kennedy!"

Jackie laughs as she leaves with Jack and the kids. Leaving Bobby under the pile of his kids.

"Goodnight Bobby!"

"Hey Jack Guess what!"
"What Bobby?"
"You can't spell Jackass without Jack!"
"You're an asshole! Goodnight!"

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