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"Jack hurry!"


"Joan is in labor!"

"Oh my!"

"Lets go!"

They headed out the door. An headed straight for the hospital. Once there they waited in the waiting room with the rest of the family.

Then Ted came out. Well he is here.

"Edward M Kennedy jr."

Everyone congratulated him.

Later that night. After Jack and Jackie got home all the kids were in bed. Some they slipped back into their room.



"Are you pregnant?"

"I feel sick everyday but I normally don't throw up. I have a few times."

"Well would you like to go see if you are?"


The next morning Jack and Jackie got up and went to the doctor.

Jackie indeed was 2 months pregnant.

"Jack that's so weird. Normally I'm constantly getting sick. I hardly have gotten sick."

"I know but on the bright side another Jack comes into the world."

Jackie smiled and had tears of joy in her eyes. Jack placed his hand under her chin and pulled her in to a kiss.

"I love you Jackie!"

"And I love you Jack!"

The car ride home was pretty funny.

"Jackie what if we have 12 kids?"

"Then it would be Jack Kennedy's take over."

"How so?"

"The press would say something stupid like oh I don't know. John F Kennedy raising 12 children to soon take over the White House."

Jack started laughing.

"Or that we are trying to compete with Bobby an his 11 so far!"

"No no that's Bobby's cheaper by the dozen!"

Jack winked at Jackie.

"Behave your self Mr. President."

Jack rolled his eyes.

Jackie acted mad.

"You did not just roll your eyes at me Mr. Kennedy?"

"Yes I did Mrs. Kennedy!"

They shared a laugh.

They got home and planned a party. The food would all contain the word baby in.

At the party everyone sat down to eat. After everyone ate. Jack stood up.

"So can anyone guess the theme of tonight's party!"


Bobby answered

"Of course you wouldn't Bobby!"

Everyone laughed.

"All the food contained the word baby in it."

Jackie's pregnant!!"

Jean blurted out.


Everyone jumped up and hugged them.

After the party Jackie was tired. So her and Jack headed upstairs. They walked into their room.

"I'm taking a bath."

"May I join?"

"Yes bunny!"

They got into the bath. And Jack groaned.

"Your back?"


"Want me to rub it?"

"Would you?"

Jackie started to run his back.

After the got out of the bath they headed to bed. It was just after midnight when a bad storm came threw. Then John John busted threw their door and climbed in bed with them. He was crying. So they started to sing to him to calm him.

John John woke them up early when he was getting out if bed. Jack turned to his clock. It was 7 am. He sighed. And turned back over. Jackie started to laugh.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm tired."

"I know I'm sorry. "

Jack pulled Jackie in close and fell back asleep.

It was 9 am. When Bobby came knocking on the door looking for Jack.

Jack wasn't to happy to see Bobby through.

"Hiya Jack!"

"What Bobby?"

"We need you down stairs to sign some stuff."

"Okay I'll be there in 20."

"See you then."


I won't be doing another update until late tomorrow night. Because we are celebrating my younger brother's birthday and we will be out all day tomorrow! but I will update. Just really late. :) Thanks for reading! Oh! Also thinking about starting a new story!

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