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"YOU WON! JACK YOU WON!" Bobby said busting open the doors to the balcony. Jack smiled and Kissed Jackie and then kissed Caroline. Jack nodded and Bobby left. Jackie turned to Jack and smiled.

"Well congratulations Mr.President."

Jackie said giggling.

"You know I like the sound of like, it has a nice ring to it!" Jack said playing with Caroline.

"Well First Lady I guess we should head back in!"

"I guess so Mr.President."

Rose comes up an hugs Jack and takes Caroline from him. Rose unloads tons of kisses in Carolina and gives Jackie a big hug. Joseph comes up and shakes Jack's had. "Well congratulations son you did it! now I can say my son is the President of the United States of America.!" Jack nods as he attempts to go find Rose to take Caroline back.

"Hello Mr. President!"

"What the hell do you want Bobby?"

"Well screw you too then"

"You better watch who you're talking to now! Have you seen mom? she took my daughter and I kind of want her back."

"Aww you have done fell in love with her! she has you wrapped around her finger doesn't she?"

"Have you seen her or not bobby?"

"Yeah yeah yeah. she is in the kitchen talking to Jean."

Jack walks in to the kitchen. Jean walks up an hugs Jack "congratulations Jack! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks! Can I have Caroline now?"

"Of course!"

Jack walks out with Caroline who happens to be fast asleep. Jack loves to watch her sleep so he slipped away from everyone and went back out on the balcony.

Jackie is looking for him every where. And then she notices Caroline is missing to. Jackie told Jean "where ever I find Caroline I will find Jack. Those too are stuck together I think."

Soon enough Jackie walks threw the bedroom and out onto the balcony where she finds both of them. Jackie stands in the door and watches Jack. Then Jack begins to speak.

"Caroline I love you so much! You and your mother are my everything. I don't care that I just won. Because either way I will always have you too. You ad your mother are what keep me running and what allows me to get up in the morning. I don't know where I would be without you too. I hope you grow up to have your mothers charm, personality, and heart. Because then you will get farther in life then anyone. I have never been loved the way your mother has loved me. And she won me over by her charm and personality. Oh and of course her looks because she is just so beautiful. And your going to be just as beautiful."

Jack got up and turned around to find Jackie standing there fixing to cry.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing...You-You are just so perfect and amazing. And I thank God for you every day that I get to spend the rest of my life with a man like you and that I get to be the mother of your children. "

Jack tears up but blinks his tears back. He kisses Jackie.

"I love you so much!"

"I love you too Bunny!"

Caroline wakes up and starts crying.

"Some one must be hungry!" Jackie says as she takes her from Jack.

Jackie feeds Caroline and heads downstairs to find Jack.

"Are you ready to go home yet Jackie?"

"Been ready!"

They got home and put Caroline to bed. Jack and Jackie are cuddled up on the couch watching tv. When Jack looks down he finds his wife fast asleep. So he picks her up and carries her to bed. Soon enough Jack found him self fast asleep.

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