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It's been about a month since all the stuff that has happened with Vietnam. But of course they still want American help. But they weren't going to get us involved. Jack had no interest in getting involved with their war. He wasn't going to look stupid again after the Bay of Pigs. So he wasn't listening to the CIA or Congress.

He was in the Oval Hanging out with Bobby and Ted.

"So Jack you got Jackie Knocked up yet?"

"You're an ass!"

"You look like one!"

"I happen to be the sexiest out of the three of us thank you!"

Ted laughs.

"I guess your forgetting about me? I happen to be the sexiest."

Jack shook his head.

"Umm I don't think so Ted."

Jackie walks in.

"Hey bunny!"

Bobby laughs. Jack turns back around to bobby and flips him off.

"Now boys play nice. What seems to be the problem here?"

Jack laughs.

"Well this ass hear think he is the sexiest of the three of us. But he is so wrong."

"Well I'm sorry boys but Jack has you beat!"

"Thank you babe!"

Jackie winked at Jack.

Bobby blurts out.

"The only reason why she says that is because she is your wife and your screwing her."

Jackie acted offend. Jack looked at bobby.

"No your just mad because you wish you had meet Jackie before Ethel."

Jack said jokingly.

"Now you're acting like an ass."

"Yeah but let's not forget that you look like one."

Jackie starts laughing. Then stops an gets really pale and take off running.

Jack gets up to follow her. Bobby laughs.

"Well that answer my first question!"

Jack turns around while still running an flips Bobby off with both hands.

Bobby and Ted both laugh.

"Well it's either she is pregnant or he has been giving it to her way to long."

Bobby said wiping a tear from his eye.

Ted is laughing.

"Bobby your going to hell for that. That's so wrong. I would assume they are in competition with you. Lets see how many Kennedy's we can have running the White House within the next few years!"

"That's not a bad idea huh?"

"Oh God Bobby!"

Jack walks back in with Jackie.

"You're pregnant I already know it."

Jackie gives Bobby this awful look and Jack sees it. He is laughing so hard.

"Keep it up Bobby and she may just rip you to pieces. I would know. You don't make that pretty women mad!"

Jackie smiles at Jack as he walks to the phone. He dials for the doctor.

"Oh yes this is John Kennedy. I would like my wife to be seen today of possible..... Okay great see you in an hour!"

Jack and Jackie get into the car and drive off to the doctors. When they get there they run a bunch of tests and sure enough Jackie was pregnant.

But then the doctor comes back in.

"Well Congratulations! you're having twins."

Jackie's eye got huge.

"Excuse me?"

Jack starts laughing!

"Yes! More little Jack's running around the White House!"

"That's not funny Jack you're not the one having to carry two humans inside of you!"

"Yeah but I will be there every step of the way."

They return back to the White House and Jackie goes back up stairs and Jack returns to the oval. Bobby is still there.

"I told you she was pregnant Jack."

"Why are you still here?"

"I wanted to be here when you got back. So I could tell you I told you so!"

"You're a Jackass! but you're right."

"Yes! I knew it!"

"Yeah but I bet you can't guess how many?"

"How many?"

"Yeah we're having twins!"

"Haha no way! That's to many Jack's!"

"Go home bobby , and don't you far say a word.!"

"Scouts honor!"

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