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When Jack, Jackie and the kids got to Hyannis Port they went inside to get settled in.

"Hey wanna go sailing?"

"Oh Jack it doesn't take much time before you're trying to get in the water does it?"


Jack said as he took the twins from Jackie.

"Come on Caroline, Sam, and Patrick!"

The kids come running down the hall.

"Daddy! my name is not SAM!"

Jack laughs.

"What ever you say!"

They get on the boat and they set sail.

They are all on the end of the boat siting the sun. The babies are siting in the strollers with the sun visor over them. Because they do not like the sun!

They are all siting around Jack. Jack is telling about all the fun the Kennedy's had when Jack was their age. And all the touch football him and the family played and still play.

The Kennedy football game is something they play every time they see each other. It's a very important to them.

"Many people who have played with is have often said it wasn't football it was murder!"

Jackie laughed.

"Every time I got the ball I would freeze and tell which way do I run?"

"Daddy can we play football when we get home?"

Asked Caroline

"Maybe tomorrow, we will invite all the Kennedy's over and we will all play together. And teach the kids how to play!"

"I can't wait daddy!"

Jack laughed.

"I sure did need this mini vacation!"

"I know you did bunny, we all did!"

"And I get to spend it with my most favorite people!"

The next day the Kennedy compound was filled with the sound of laughter and children. Bobby walked in last.

"So when is the football game going down? I'm ready to beat you all! you're all going down!"

Jack and Ted started laughing.

"In your dreams Bobby! ready Jack?"

"Ready! Come on kids we have a foot ball game to win!"

Jackie, Ethel, and Joan sat on the porch watching everyone play.

"They are just like little kids!"

"Yes they are Jackie."

"So Joan are you and Ted having another baby soon?"

"We are trying for one now!"

Jackie and Ethel smiled!

"That's wonderful!"

"Are you going to have anymore?"



"Oh my Ethel you're going to have 12 plus kids running around! And Jackie how many do you want?"

"I know it's a lot i know but that's what bobby wants!"

"And not sure me and Jack and just going to keep having them I guess!"

They got up fixing to walk into the house when their husbands came up behind them and picked them up.

"Oh no, Jackie you're coming with me!"

"No Jackie put me down!"

"Haha no!"

The guys rushed the girls out into the grass.

"You all are playing football with us!"

Jackie looked at Jack.

"I'm no good at this Jack!"

"Just follow my lead!"

Jack winked at her.

Bobby yelled.



and everyone took off.

"Bobby get out of my way damn it!"

"No Jack I'm not letting you get this one, not this time!"

And then out of no where Ted jumps in front of them

"What the --"



"Don't you get smart with me, we don't use language like!"

"Yes ma'ma!"

Jack started laughing!

"You're whipped!"

"No I'm not you are!"

Jackie interrupt.

"Excuse me boys but you're both whipped and Joan would agree that Ted is whipped too!"

They three rolled their eyes at their wives.

"Okay boys ready to go in for some lunch?"

They all walked in where the kids were already eating.

Jack stood up.

"Who wants to go sailing and swimming?"

Everyone yelled.


After lunch they all got on to the boat. You would think that boat couldn't hold that many people but it did. It was crazy! kids running every where.

"Okay time to swim lets go kids."

"Uncle Jack are you going swimming to?"

"Ha yes Kara I am!"

"Yay, you to daddy and uncle Bobby?w

"Yes we are!"

The kids all jumped in. Jack, Bobby, and Ted joined shortly after. Jackie, Ethel, and Joan where sitting in the shade on the boat talking. When Joan got up and ran to the bathroom.

Jackie followed after her. Ethel went to go get Ted. Ted got up on the boat as fast as he could. He slipped across the wood and fell. Jackie came out with Joan.

"Baby are you okay?"

"Yes Ted I'm fine I think I'm just sea sick?!"

"Okay.. are you sure?"

"Yes go play!"

Ted got back into the water. Bobby and Jack swam over to him.

"Money says she is pregnant."

"Shut up Bobby!"

"Hey I'm always right about stuff like that. Ask Jack! I was right about Jackie!"

Jack laughed.

"Yeah he was, every time!"

Joan kept getting sick so they got back to the Kennedy compound and Ted took her to the Doctor.

Everyone else went in to have dinner!

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