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Jackie was 6 months pregnant. But she looked amazing! Everyone could not believe how great she looked to be 6 months pregnant. Jack was one of those people. Jack was amazed at her beauty. Spent a lot of time just looking at her.

But anyway. Jack knew Jackie hadn't been doing much in the past few weeks because the First Lady job and all. So he called Jean and Ethel to take her out to go shopping.

So Jena and Ethel arrive. Jackie was shocked. She looked at Jack and smiled.

"Did you arrange this?"
Jack shrugged his shoulders.
Jackie walked over and kiss him.
"Thank you!"
Jack smiled an nodded.
"I love baby! Have fun!"
"I love you to bunny!"

So Jean and Ethel took Jackie out for lunch. Then they went baby shopping. Jean loved to baby shop. Jackie found some really cute stuff. So after that they took her for tea. After that they returned to the White House. Where Jack threw her a surprise baby shower.

"Oh my!"
"Thank you Jack!"
"Your welcome sweetie!"
Jack said as he kissed her.

Jackie loved it. She had a blast. She was sitting with Jack on the couch.
"Did you send me away to event all our family over and throw me a surprise baby shower?"
"Yes I did!"
"I'm one lucky lady!"
"Well I'm one lucky man!"

After the party Jack and Jackie went up to their room. Jack out all of the baby stuff in the closet. Jackie was sitting on the couch. Jack joined we. He rapped his arms around her.

"Jackie I love you with all my heart. I don't ever want to lose you."
"I love you to bunny, and I don't want to ever lose you either."

Jack got down in front of Jackie in the floor on his knees. He place his hands on her stomach and started talking to the baby.

"Hey little Kennedy! It's your daddy! I want you to know how much I love you! and how much your mommy loves you! and we can't wait to meet you!"

Then Jack kissed her stomach and then kissed her. They were getting ready for bed and Jackie was having trouble getting off her dress. It was stuck around her belly.

"Yes babe?"
"Can you come here for a minute?"

Jack walked in and started laughing.

"How did you get stuck?"
"My belly is getting to big for this dress!"
"I can see!

Jack helped her out of her dress and got her one of his old Harvard shirts. But she still Managed to look beautiful. They got settled into bed and cuddled all night. Jack even felt the baby kicking him in the side because of the way Jackie was cuddled up to him. He loved it!

The next day Jack and Jackie were out on the town on some business with the Governor. And of course the press followed them around the whole time.
Even though the secret service was there, when the passed this small alley and news paper reporter popped out and almost knocked Jackie down.
Jack walked toward him an was about to hit him.

"Bunny don't, let the secret service handle it."
"I hate the damn press, they invade our privacy and almost hurt you an the baby!"
"I know I know, but it will be okay!"

After the got finished with their business with the Governor. They passed the restaurant that Jack Proposed to Jackie at. He smile.

"Remember this place?"
"Of course I do!"

He backed her against the wall and started kissing her. Then they continued back to the White House.

The next day Jack was in the Oval Office and Bobby ran in!

"You dog!"
"Excuse me?"
"You and Jackie are on the front of ever newspaper!"
"What? how?"

Bobby shows him the paper. It was when he had Jackie backed against the wall kissing her. Apparently there were camera men hiding and snapping pictures of them.

"Oh we'll I'm allowed to kiss my wife in public!"

Jackie ran in.

"Did you see the paper?"
Jack began laughing.
"Yeah I did, Bobby showed it to me!"
"Oh Bunny, what are we going to do?"
"I'm allowed to kiss my beautiful wife in public."

Jackie blushed. As she left.

"I love you bunny!"
"I love you to baby!"

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