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Jack knew he had to start traveling the country soon because election was coming up within the next year. So he had asked Jackie to travel with him.

Jackie loved to travel so she agreed. Jack worried about her being pregnant and traveling.

"Jackie are you sure you want to travel with me?"

"Of course I do Jack!"

"I mean I just worry since you 6 months pregnant and all."

"I will be fine, if anything we can always come home."


Jack kisses Jackie.

"We start traveling next week, first stop, California."

Jackie nodded.

The next week came fast. They soon boarded the plane for California. They said their Goodbyes to Caroline. They would be back in two days.

Jack was sad that he had

To leave Caroline. He didn't like it. Jackie noticed an she placed her hand on his knee.

"It will be okay. We will be back Wednesday."

"I know. I just miss her already."

"She is in good hands with Bobby and Ethel."

Jack smiled.

They were landing soon. Then the real fun began. It was a non stop kind of day. Constantly on the move. Jackie was wore out and so was Jack. But they had to do what they had to do.

When they got to the hotel room Jackie kicked off her shoes and laid back on the bed. Jack joined her. He smiled.

"What are you smiling at Jack?"

"The people!"


"They love you more than me!"

"No they don't."

"Yes they do. You're beautiful, pregnant, and Glowing."


"My God if you would have been running for President you would win hands down. The other candidate would not have gotten a single vote!"

Jackie smiles and leans over and Kisses Jack.

"I love you bunny!"

"And I love you to babe!"

Jack sits up and puts his hands on her stomach.

"Oh my God the baby is kicking!"

"Yes Jack I know."

He kisses her stomach.

Jackie wears the biggest smile ever.

The next day they had a packed schedule. They had a brunch to got to then a ride through the town. Then dinner with the governor.

Jackie got up and got ready. She put on a tight yellow sun dress. She loved it because it showed off her baby bump. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at her self when she spotted Jack walking up behind her. He wrapped his hands around her.

"Oh my don't you look Beautiful!"

Jackie blushed.

"Well thank you!"

She turned around and kissed Jack.

"You ready Jackie?"

"Only if you are!"

Jack smiled

"Lets Go!"

When they exited the hotel the crowd was cheering "KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY!"

They make their way to the limo. Jack helps Jackie in and then follows after her. Jackie leans over and whispered

"See they do love you Kennedy, Kennedy!"

Jacked laughed hard.

They arrived to the brunch. Jack had to make a quick speech. He sat beside Jackie. Who sat beside Lady bird. On the other side of Jack was Johnson. He tried to talk to Jack like they were best friends. Jack leaned over to Jackie.

"This fool thinks I'm his best friend or something!"

"That's impossible because I'm your best friend.!

"Yes yes you are!"

Jack laughed.

After the brunch they began they began their trip around the town. Jackie thought Hollywood was a good place. The people adored the couple. Jack and Jackie were the most famous couples in America.

Finally dinner came and they had dinner with the Governor. After being their for hours Jack noticed Jackie didn't look so good.

"Well I think it's time for us to go. Thank you Governor for having us."

"Okay you're welcome any time Mr.President."

They left and wet back to the hotel they couldn't wait to get back to Washington. So the fell asleep fast. Soon morning came. Jack was excited to get back to Caroline. He missed her so much. Jackie was glad to be going home.

When they touched down at the White House Caroline came running across the yard and jumped into Jack's arms!

"Hey Daddy and mommy I missed you!"

"Hey buttons we missed you too!"

Jackie kissed Caroline on the head.

"Hey little miss Jack! were you good for Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ethel?"

"Yes I was!"

Jack laughed.

Then they just went in side to enjoy each others company!

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