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Today Jackie and Patrick are allowed to come. So they get into the car and leave. When they get to the White House they go up to the resident. After Jack sat there with Jackie and the kids he needs to go to the oval and check on everything.

When he gets down there he runs into Bobby. They walk in to the oval. Jack turns to Bobby.

"Where's Ted?"

"Oh Joan called. I'm pretty sure they are trying for a baby to!"

Jack chuckled.

"Aren't we all."

"Speaking of which if you and Jackie have 6 more you could catch up to me and Ethel."

"Whoa 5 more, do you mean 4 more you only have 7 kids....Ethel's pregnant?"

"Took you long enough to catch on."

"Congratulations bro!"

"Thanks! So how's life with the new baby?"

"Wonderful! I love having babies around! I love having kids!"

"Aww you have turned soft Jack!"

"Go to hell Bobby!"

After working Jack makes his way back upstairs. Caroline runs up to him and hugs his legs. Jack laughs.

"Daddy will you tuck me in?"

"Of course buttons!"

Jack follows Caroline down the hall and gets her tucked in, he kisses her forehead.

"Goodnight buttons, I love you!"

"I love you too Daddy!"

Jack leaves Caroline's room. And then he sees John John run down the hall.

"Oh no you don't John John, it's bed time."

"You gotta catch me first Daddy!"


Jack hide behind a wall and waited. Then John John ran around and Jack jumped out and grabbed him. Both Jack and John John laughing hard.

Jack takes him and tucks him in too. Jack kisses John John on the forehead. .

"Goodnight John John! I love you!"

"I love you to Daddy!"

Jack walks down to their room and opens the door. Where he finds Jackie holding Patrick dancing around the room with him. Jack walks in quietly. He walks behind Jackie and places his hands on her waist. And whispers in her ear.

"May I have this dance?"

"Yes you may!"

Jack takes John John and places him in his crib and walks back over to Jackie. He takes her hands. An even though there isn't any music, they slow dance. Jack gazes into Jackie's eyes.

"Man how did I get so lucky?"

Jackie blushes.

"I don't know!"

"Well guess what!"


"I married an Angle!"

Jackie began to tear up. Jack brought her in closer to him. He kisses the top of her head. Then she looks up and kisses him.

"I love you bunny with all my heart!"

"And I love you too baby! with all of my heart! forever and always!"

"Forever and always bunny!"

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