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When it was time to leave the hospital ad go back to the White House. The secret service was every where. They literally almost pulled the car into the doors at the hospital.

Jack mumbled

"Is this all really necessary?"

Jackie looked up

"Yes, if it means we are safe and you are alive."

Jack nodded and they got into the car and rushed right over to the White House. When they got their Jack had to make a statement about what happened in Dallas.

"Although November 22, 1963 was the happiest day for me and my family because my son John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was born, it also was a sad day. We lost out Vice President of the United States of America. With that being said, I want to extended my apology to Johnson's family. From my Family to his. Thank."

All the news reports were asking tons of questions.

"Mr.President who will be your new VP now?"

Jack paused and looked over at Bobby.

"Well umm I was going to ask my brother Bobby to be my VP."

Bobby looked up in shock.

Then Jack left and Bobby followed him.

"Jack wait damn it!"


"Are you serious?"

"Yes Bobby, will you be my new VP?"

"Well yeah!"

Jack went up to the resident and found Jackie. She was feeding John John.

"I saw your statement on tv."

"Yeah I figured."

"That's awful nice that you're making Bobby your new VP."

"Yeah all that power will go to his head"

Jack started laughing.

After Jackie was done feeding him, Jack walked over and took John John from her.

"You know Jackie, maybe John John wanted to come that day to save me."

"A blessing in disguise. Jack."

"My little life saver. That's what you are"

Jack said rocking him in the his chair.

Jackie smiled.

"Jackie I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too bunny!"

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