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Jack, Bobby, and Ted all had to attend this brunch thing in Chicago today. So Jack got up out of bed and bean getting ready. Jackie got up and took a bath. Jack walked over and sat down beside her. He kissed her.

"I don't want to go to their stupid thing. I don't want to live you and you have the babies."

"I know Jack. I don't think these babies are going today. At least I don't hope so. Go have a good time bunny!"

"Okay I love you baby!"

"I love you too bunny!"

The boarded Air force one. They got into the air. It was going to be 3 hour flight. Jack called Jean from the plane and asked her to go hang out with Jackie. So she did.

When Jean got up to the resident she walked into the bathroom where Jackie was standing. There hunched over holding her stomach. Jean ran over to her.

"Jackie are you okay?"

"You would know my water would break when Jack isn't here."

"I know come on let's get you to the hospital."

The secret service drove faster than ever. They rushed her into the hospital and got her a room. The secret service set one of their guys to the car to use the radio.

"Base to one!"


"Jackie is having this twins today."


The secret service man on the plane ran back to Jack where he was siting with Bobby and Ted.


Jack looks up


"It's Jackie. She is having them twins today."

"Shit! Okay so Bobby and Ted go to the brunch and I guess I will stay on the plane and go back."

Bobby got mad.

"Hell no Jack. I want to meet my new nephew or niece."

"Yeah same here."

Ted responded. Jack nodded.

"Turn this plane around."

Meanwhile Jackie had to have a C-section to get the twins out. She had a baby girl and a baby boy!

Jean started to cry!

"Oh Jackie they are beautiful!"

"Where is Jack?"

"He is on his way."

Jack busted threw the hospital running looking for Jackie.


The nurse ran up to him.

"Sir you have to be quiet, follow me Jackie is this way."

He walked into the room. Where Jackie was hold the babies.

"I should have know you were going to be up to something when I left!"

"You know it!"

"How are you feeling?"


"What are we going to name them?"

"For the girl I was thinking Brooklyn Leigh Kennedy! and you can name the boy!"

"I love it! How about Robert Francis Kennedy?"

"Aw I love it!"

Jack went into the hall where all the Kennedy's where.

"He yelled well its a Boy and a Girl! And their names are Brooklyn Leigh Kennedy and Robert Francis Kennedy!"

Bobby jumped up and hugged Jack.

"Thanks bro that means a lot!"

"Come on let's go meet them!"

Everyone came rushing in. Jack walked in last with Caroline, John John, and Patrick. Jack was holding Patrick and Caroline and John John went running to Jackie. Jack sat Patrick on the bed with Jackie.

Ted laughed.

"So now we have 5 Jacks and 8 Bobby's!"

Bobby laughed.

"Wrong it's 11 Bobby's!"

Jack busted out laughing.

"You're kindling right? Ethel you're having triplets?"

"Yes Jack I am!"

Jackie looks at Ethel.

"Good luck carrying them babies I thought I was going to explode with these two. Congratulations!"

"Thank you Jackie and Brooklyn and Robert are adorable!"

"Thank you."

"When do you get to come home?"

"3 days!"

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