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The past few months have been crazy. So much traveling and speeches and lunches. It's wore the Kennedy's down.

They still have eight more stops to make before they are done. The next one is Dallas, Texas.

So it's the Morning of November 22, 1963. They had just got of Air Force on e at love field. They got into the motor case ad shortly after. Jack looks over at Jackie how looked down into her lap.

"Jackie please tell me that's not your water breaking."

"Yes jack it is"

"Oh my okay ummm we need to turn around now!" jack yelled from the back.

They reached Air Force one and put Jackie on the plane.

"Do you think you can make it 2 hours back to Washington."

"Yes Jack."

Her contractions were as bad as the first time. Jack helped her threw each one. Jack phoned Bobby.

"Hey Bobby it's Jack."

"Hey bro I thought you were in Dallas right now, should be giving a speech right now."

"Well when we got to love field Jackie's water broke."

"She isn't due for another 2 weeks."

"Well the Kennedy wants out" Jack joked.

"Okay I'll be at the airport."

Jackie's contractions started to get worse after about an hour. Jack did everything he could to help her threw it. He held her hand. Then he got a wash cloth, put cold water on it and then put it on her forehead.

Finally they made it to Washington. Jackie thought she was about to have to push. So Bobby was speeding the whole way to the hospital. They broke threw the doors and the nurse rushed them a wheel chair. They took her and Jack into an examination room to check her and sure enough the baby was crowing.

The nurse screamed CODE RED!!

They rushed them into a room.

Within minutes she pushed.

"Congratulations it's a BOY!"

Jacks eye widen and brighten. Jackie smiled at Jack.

"How about John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.?"

"I love it bunny!"

"We can call him John John for short!"

Soon enough the whole Kennedy family was in. Everyone fell in love with John John.

Jack spotted Caroline and picked her up and brought her closer to John John.

"Meet your little brother!"

"Aw he is so cute! I love you little brother!"

Caroline didn't want to leave her little brother but she had to go home with Bobby and Ethel.

A few hours later the tv in Jackie's room was interrupted by a Special report. So Jack didn't pay much attention. Him and Jackie were talking about who John John looked more like. When they heard

"It is confirmed that Vice President Johnson is dead, I repeat Vice President Johnson is dead."

Jack paused. He was quiet. Jackie began to cry.

"Jackie what's wrong?"

"That could have been you."

"But it wasn't, I'm here with you and John John."

Jack calls Bobby.

"Hey Bobby it's Jack did you hear about Johnson?"

"Yeah I did, after you and Jackie left they put them in your motorcade, and he was sitting in your seat an when they reached Dealey plaza. Then he was shot. Connelly was shot but he will recover."

"Oh great now the world will think I had something to do with it."

"No no one thinks that, you don't have a motive. He was your VP."

As the afternoon rolled around Jack was sitting with Jackie wait for John John to get back from the nursery. Then on the tv showed the man who was responsible for the murder of Johnson. Shortly after he was also shot and killed.

Jack couldn't believe what has happened. He also began to think what if that had been him. What would Jackie be going threw. What if John John not been born and him never had gotten the chance to meet him. The family to spend their first Christmas with out him. Jack began to cry a little. When he felt a hand in his shoulder and rubbing his back. He knew exactly who it was.

"Bunny? what's wrong?"

"What if that would have been me?"

"Like you said but it wasn't, you are still here. With me and John John."

"I want Caroline here now."

"Okay go phone Bobby."

"Bobby will you bring Caroline up here. I would feel better to have my baby girl with me."

"Yeah no problem bro. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine see you shortly. Love you little bro."

There was a pause before Bobby responded.

"I love you to man."

After about 15 minutes Bobby dropped Caroline off. After that Jack held Caroline and Jackie Held John John close. And that night they were complete. They never wanted to lose each other.

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