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Bobby and Ethel delivered a beautiful baby girl last night! everyone rushed over to the hospital to meet the new baby. Jack and Jackie walk into the hospital room where Bobby and Ethel were with the baby.

"Well Uncle Jack meet Mary Kerry Kennedy!"

Jack smiled and Took her from Bobby.

"She looks like Ethel. That's a good thing because of she looked like you, we would have a problem on our hands!"

"Haha very funny Jack! she is perfect!"

"I'm just messing , and yeah she is, that's how I felt when Caroline was born. something about baby girls that give you that feeling!"

Jackie was smiling.

"Okay my turn Jack give me miss Mary!"

Jack hands Mary to Jackie.

"Oh Ethel she is beautiful! such an angle."

"Isn't she though! so are you and Jack going to have anymore babies?"

Jackie looked at Jack who was smiling big.

"Maybe when Patrick gets a little older. That way I'm not swamped by two babies!"

"Hey I'm the father Jackie. I'm there to help!"

"Okay Jack maybe soon!"

Ethel smiles.

"You guys are perfect for each other."

"Thank you Ethel. Come one Jackie we need to get back the kids are probably driving Ted and Joan crazy!"

"Haha you're probably right Jack!"

Jack and Jackie said their goodbyes and left. Once they were in the car. Jack turns to Jackie.

"Are you serious about having another baby soon?"

"Yeah! I would rather wait till Patrick is a year old. I mean he is only 8 months old. So if we wanted to try then that's okay too!"

"Well alright then! lets try tonight!"

"Okay bunny!"

Once they got to the White House try walked up to the residence and Ted comes running towards them.

"How do you live with those kids?"

Jack laughs.

"What are you talking about they are angles."

"Yeah Ted what are you trying to say about my babies?

"Nothing Jackie! They just really love running around with my kids. I don't know how Bobby and Ethel keep up with 7 children."

After dinner Jack and Jackie got the kids all tucked into bed. Then made their way to their room. Jackie went and changed and so did Jack. Jack was on the couch looking the paper when Jackie came around the corner in he new yellow silk night gown.

She walked over to Jack and took the paper from him and sat in his lap.

"So I thought we were gonna try to make a baby?"

"Well Mrs. Kennedy!"

Jack picked Jackie up and started kissing her. They made their way to the bed.

Jackie was laying on Jack's chest. She was laughing at him because he was breathing heavy.

"Look Jackie you're you get than I am. You know how to ware me out!"

"Well then lets go for round to then."

Jack laughed and rolled over ad started kissing her when there was a knock on the door.


Jack jumped up and put a Harvard sweatshirt and sweatpants on.

Jack opened the door to find Kenny standing there. Jack was annoyed.

"What Kenny?"

"Sir you're needed downstairs."

"Okay give me five minutes."

Kenny nodded and left.

Jack turned to Jackie.

"I'm sorry Jackie. Maybe we can try again tomorrow night!"

"Sounds like a plan Mr.President."

Jack winked at Jackie and left.

Jack got downstairs. He walks into the Oval Office. Bobby and Ted were both there.

"What are you both doing here?"

Bobby answered.

"They called me at the hospital and said it was an emergency. So I rushed over here."

"Same here." Ted answered.

"So why are we here?"

"Vietnam sir?

"What about them?"

"They want our help.

"No not happening. That's there war to fight not ours. Now we can send a few guys to train them but that's it."

"Okay sir."

After several hours of working. The all went back to bed. When Jack got back up stairs he walked into the room and Jackie wasn't there. He looked every where. Not in Caroline's room not John John's room. He walked into Patricks room and there she was. Rocking Patrick back to sleep.

"Hey bunny!"

Jackie whispered.

"Hey kid!"

"He Had a bad dream. So I walked down here to put him back to sleep."

Jack took Patrick and put him back in his crib. Him and Jackie stood there and watched their baby boy sleep.

"We did good bunny!"

"Yeah we did! they are perfect!"

"Now where were we before we were interrupted?"

Jack grinned and picked Jackie up and walked towards their room.

"Bunny your back?"

"Ahh it's okay!"

Jack kicked the door open.

"Oh bunny! I didn't know you were that strong!"

Jackie said laughing!

"You have seen strong yet baby!"

Jackie was laughing hard.

Ted walked by their room as they were walking in.

"Can y'all keep the noise down to a minimum?"

Jack laughed.


Ted rolled his eyes.

"Okay I'm just going to go get my ear plugs."

Jack slammed the door in his face. And turned to Jackie who was laying in bed. She patted the bed. And Jack joined her.

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