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Well Jackie's due date was around the corner. But she had started having contractions so Jack took her to the doctor. She was put on bed rest. So Jack got to help her a lot. He loved getting to help her around.

Jack would run back and forth between the oval and Jackie. Plus he still had time to play with Caroline ad John John. Jack walked into their room and Jackie was laying in the bed reading baby books. Jackie looked up at him and smiled.

"How's being President and Mr. Mom!"


They started laughing. Jack climbed in bed beside her and leaned over and kissed her.

"How are you feeling today baby?"

"Better, they baby just has been very busy today, Caroline or John John never moved this much!"

"Well what do you expect! it is a Kennedy!"

Jackie rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Oh Jack, that's why I love you!"

"I love you too kid! Well I have to be back downstairs before Bobby has a baby too!" Jack said laughing.

Jackie laughed.

Jack kissed her then laughed. He go back down stairs and Bobby gave him a mean look.

"What the hell is your problem? "


"What the hell did I do now Bobby? huh?"

"You need to focus on work."

"Look nothing major has came up right this minute, you're my VP so if something does come up you can handle it till I can get down here. So stop being such an asshole!"

Bobby got quiet.

"I'm sorry!"

"Go up to your wife and kids Bobby you need a break."

Bobby left and went up to find his family.

On the way up he passed Jack and Jackie's room. He heard someone yelling. It was Jackie! Bobby opener the door and saw Jackie on the bed. She was crying.

"Bobby please go get Jack. Now!"

"I don't want to leave you like this."


Clint came running down the hall towards the oval.

Clint busted into the Oval Office. Jack seemed a little annoyed that he busted in.

"Sir it's Jackie."

Jack looked at him, got up and took off running!

He made it up to their room. He saw Bobby there with Jackie.

"Why are you here?"

"I was going to find Ethel and the kids when I heard Jackie yelling for help."

"Okay thanks we need to get her to the hospital."

"Bunny my water broke."

"I know I can see that."

They shared a smile.

"Well I guess the baby wants to come today."

"I guess so bunny!"

"Bobby can you keep an eye out for Caroline and John John. I will call you when Jackie has the baby and you can bring them up there."

"Okay sure thing."

They got into the car and the secret service took off speeding. Jack and Jackie were in the back. Jackie was laid out across the back set and across Jack's lap. Jack was running his hands threw her hair trying to calm her down. For some reason she was in more pain than any of the other pregnancies.

So they rushed her into a room and they have her some medicine to help with the pain. Jack went ahead and called the family in. Because he figured the baby would be here soon.

And he was right. Within 2 hours the baby was here.

"Congratulations it's a BOY!"

Jack looked at Jackie.

"Wow another boy!"

"I know!"

The doctor passed him to Jack and Jack gave him to Jackie!

"What about a name?"

"Patrick Bouvier Kennedy!"

He was perfect! a strong and healthy baby boy! They both fell in love. And soon the family rushed in. They couldn't get enough of Patrick. Especially Caroline and John John!

They didn't want to leave him. They were so happy.

Jack held Patrick almost all night. The only time he wasn't holding him is when Jackie was feeding him. Jack loved babies. Especially when they were his.

"Hey Jackie!"

"Yes bunny?"

"We should have about 7 more!"

"Are you crazy! That's too many little Jack's running around the house!"

"No it would be okay!"

Jackie rolled her eyes. Jack laughed. Then he got up to hand Patrick to Jackie because he started to cry. Then he leaned down and Kissed Jackie.

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