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"Mr.President are you okay sir?"

"Do I look okay Kenny? I have been working like a dog for the past 48 hours, I'm tired and plus I haven't seen my wife or daughter in days. I miss them so much. "

"I'm sorry mr.President."

Jack looked at him annoyed.

Kenny left the Oval Office and went up to the resident. He walks to Caroline's room and find Jackie playing with Caroline. He knocks on the door.

"Excuse me Jackie but umm well don't tell Jack I did this but he has been working really really hard and he is super tired and he says he misses you and Caroline so much....."

Jackie cuts him off

"Say no more give me 5 minutes and we both will be down. "

Kenny smiles then heads back down stairs.

Jack is standing look out the windows of the Oval Office just day dreaming about having a few days off. When Jackie busts in. Jack turned around shocked but then had the biggest smile on his face.

"I heard you're in some kind of bad mood and plus Caroline was crying for her Daddy so I thought both of you could benefit from us coming down here."

Jack smiled as he took Caroline. He kissed Jackie.

"I miss you so much and you too Caroline."

They both sat down on the couch. Then Jack turned to Jackie

"Would it be a bad idea to take the weekend off?"

"I don't think so. want me to talk to Kenny?"

"Yeah would you?"

"Of course bunny!"

As Jack began to relax Bobby came in.

"Hey Jack,Jackie, and my favorite niece.!"

"Ughh what the hell do you want now Bobby?"

"Damn Jack what's your problem?"

"I'm tired. And I miss my family. This is the first time I have seen them in days."

Kenny comes in.

"Oh Kenny can you allow the President the weekend off?"

"Camp David?"


"Of course just let me go tell the secret service."

Jackie goes up stairs and packs all their bags and they board Marine One.

Soon they reach Camp David.

Jack felt so relaxed. He hasn't had a day off since the election. Jack was always on the go. So Jackie had fun things to do for them.

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