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Jack reached the bedroom and laid Jackie on the bed. He began kissing her while she began unbuttoning his shirt and unzipping his pants. Jack helped her out of her dress.

Jackie laid on Jacks chest and began laughing.
"What are you laughing at?"
"What? Was the sex not good?"
"No no it was great."
"Then what is it?"
"I love you Jack!"
Jack rolls his eyes
"I love you too Jackie"
His kisses her head and plays with her head.

Suddenly Bobby busts in the room!
"Bobby what the hell are you doing here?"
Jackie tries to cover her self up as fast as she can.
"First I didn't need to see this, second Johnson is speaking about Russia."
"Okay first you didn't need to show up here! on my vacation time with my family you asshole! and second you tell that bastard if he doesn't stop speaking when I'm not around I will be looking for a new VP!"
"Sorry sorry I didn't know what to do. So I just flew here!"
"You could have phoned me"
"Okay Boys settle down. It's not a big deal. I know it's really late but Bobby meant well an although he could have phoned its good to see you Bobby!"
Bobby nodded and left.

Jackie began to laugh. Jack joined her.
"He is such a dumbass some times."
"Now Jack he meant well."
"I hope that image of us burns in his head forever!"
Jackie laughed so hard.
"Oh Bunny!"

Come morning. Jackie wakes up and Jack isn't there. She looks all over and couldn't find him any where. She looks in one finally place. She opens the door to Caroline's room and finds both of them asleep in the chair in front of the tv watching cartoons. She picks Caroline up which wakes Jack. She places Caroline in her bed and walks back over to Jack.

They walk downstairs to the kitchen. They were drinking coffee when Jackie spoke.
"Where were you both asleep in the chair.?
"She had a bad dream and cam and got me, then she couldn't sleep, so I got in the chair with her and watched cartoons."
"Bunny you are an amazing daddy!"
Jack reaches over and puts his hand on Jackie's stomach.
"Well I hope I get the chance to be another amazing daddy!"
"Me too!"

Well it was time for them to go back to Washington. They boarded Marine One. When the got back to the White House. Jack told Jackie "I have some things I need to take care of. I will be up in a little while."
"Okay bunny see you soon."
Jack kisses Jackie and the say their good byes.

Later that night Jack walks up to the resident. He walks into his and Jackie's room. Jackie was on the couch reading. He comes up behind her and kisses her on the head. And heads for the bathroom.
"Hey Jackie!"
"Yes bunny?"
"Are you feeling pregnant yet?"
"No why?"
"Well lets try again, because I really want to have another baby!"
"Oh bunny! you're so silly!"

Jack walks over and picks her up an begins to kiss her. They help take of each others clothes. Jack stops.
"Why did you stop?"
"Hold on you will see!"
Jack writes a note and grabs a piece a tape. The note read:
"Bobby do not come in. We are busy. If you needs something it will have to wait till tomorrow. This also goes for everyone else." Then he signs it.
Jackie laughs
"You're crazy!"
"Yeah crazy for you!"

A few hours later Jackie is laying on Jacks chest. He is breathing really heavy. See loos up and smiles at Jack who happens to be looking right back.
"I love you Jackie!"
"And I love you bunny!"

A fees day later Jack was in the Oval Office when Clint hill walks in. He clear his throat.
"Mr.President umm Jackie isn't feeling to well. Matter of fact she isn't doing to well either."
"What exactly do you mean she isn't doing to well."
"Well sir she had a meeting this morning and she-"
"Yes Clint I know she had a meeting what happened?"
"She got sick. And she has been throwing up almost all day."

Jack got up from his desk.
"Bobby clear my schedule for the remainder of the day."
Bobby nodded.

Jack walks into their room where he finds Jackie Laying on the bed. He lays down beside her and she opens her eyes.
"What's wrong Jackie?"
"I don't know. for some reason I keep getting sick."
"Well then let's go see the doctor."
Jackie agrees and the make their way to the doctor.

After running a few tests the doctor comes in.

"Well Mr. President and First Lady!"

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