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Jackie was now 5 months pregnant. Jack and Jackie went out to a lunch with the mayor. As they walked out of the car to get into the restaurant. A camera man step out and knocked Jackie on the ground and she scraped her knees. Jack pulled back fixing to him when the secret service jumped on top of the camera man. Jack was pissed.

He helped Jackie up. He turned to the camera man.

"You knocked over my pregnant wife! You could have hurt her and the baby!"

Jack turned to all of the press.

"I'm tired of this. Please give me and my family privacy and space. This isn't the first time this has happened."

They walked into the restaurant. Jack asked if he could get a wet hand towel. When he got it he got down beside Jackie and cleaned up her knees. She moved a lot because it stung.

She placed her hand on the side of Jack's face.

"Thank you Bunny!"

"You're welcome baby."

"I love you so much!"

"And I love you so much more!"

Jackie rolled her eyes. Jack asked for a few band aids.

Jackie started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"How attractive is the First Lady walking around with band aids on her knees."

The mayor laughed. And so did Jack.

Jack leaned over to her.

"I do and that's all that matters!"

The three of them laugh. Then the mayor speaks.


They all laugh.

"Yeah you're probably right. And front page too!"

It was time for them to go. They went out the back hoping no one would spot them. Once in the car. Jackie lays her head on Jack's shoulder. Jack grabs her hand and holds it tight.

"Do you want to go to camp David for the weekend?"

"I would love too!"

"Kids too?"

"Yes bunny!"

Jack nodded.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Well besides the scrapped knees pretty good! how about you?"


"Does your back hurt?"

"Yes but not to bad."

"Ah poor bunny!"

They get back to the White House and Jackie went upstairs to take a nap. Jack had to speak with Kenny about the space race. All the kids came running into the Oval Office. Jack looked up and smiled. He loved his kids so much!

Caroline and John go into his lap and Patrick, Brooklyn, and Robert played in the floor. John looked down at his watch. 6 pm. Well it's time to head back up. He put the kids in the play room. And went to check on Jackie.

When he walked into their room. Jackie was on the bed and still asleep. He got right in beside her. He was watching her sleep. She started smiling.

She whispered.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because I love watching you sleep. You just look so at peace."

She grinned.

"What time is it?"

"6:30 pm."

"Well it's time for dinner!"

"I'll go get the kids."

Jackie got freshened up and headed to the dining hall. Where her family was siting down for dinner at. Jack walked her to her seat and pulled the chair out for her and then pushed her in.

They finished dinner.

"Okay kids start getting ready for bed."

So the kids got up and started to get ready for bed.

"We will be up to tuck you in, in a few."

Jackie said smiling.

They got up and cleaned off the table. Then they headed up stairs to tuck the kids into bed.

Soon after that. Jack and Jackie got ready for. Once they climbed into bed they were fast asleep.

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