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As the doctor began to speak Jack looked up and his eyes widened. Jackie grabbed his hand an smiled.

"Yes doctor?"

"Well Congratulations your going to be parents again!"

Jack had the biggest smile on his face as Jackie began to cry tears of joy. Jack hugged Jackie as tight as he could but then realized that he might hurt the baby so he just kissed her.

"Oh bunny I'm so happy!"

"So am I Jackie! I may be the happiest man right now! I have a beautiful wife, the cutest sweetest baby girl and now a baby on the way!"

Jackie teared up. she looked down "you're also the President!"

Jack laughed "that too!"

They got back to the White House and the went up stairs and told Caroline that she was going to be a big sister!

They were going to throw a party to an announce the pregnancy. Once the party got started Jack noticed Jackie leave he followed her upstairs. She looked back and looked pale.

"Wouldn't you know morning sickness will hit whenever it feels like it."

Jack laughed and hugged her.

"It will be okay Jackie!"

After she was feeling better they came up with the way to tell everyone they were having another baby.

"Okay Jackie when they ask why we took off we say oh baby problems and then they will pick up on it."

"Okay let's do it."

They walked down stairs. And of course Bobby was the first to ask.

"Where did you two go off too?"

"Well Jackie was having baby problems."

Jack took Jacks hand as everyone got quiet.

Joan screamed!


Jack laughed and Jackie responded.

"Yes we're expecting a baby!"

Everyone gathered around them and hugged them. Everyone was so happy!"

After the party Jack and Jackie put Caroline to bed and they found their way to bed. They had a packed day the next day. They had to make a statement about them expecting.

The next day when they made the start the asked to have total privacy threw the whole thing. But they knew that wasn't going to happen. Because it never does. They were going to stay at Hyannis Port every chance they got so they could get away from the reports as much as they can.

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