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When Jack and Jackie got up stairs they tucked in all of the kids. It was so peaceful and quite. They sat on the couch and snuggled for ever it had seemed. Jackie got up and went into the bathroom. When she returned she was in a short pink night gown with white lace on it. Jack's mouth nearly hit the floor.

"Wow you look beautiful Jackie!"

"Hush you're still in trouble Mr. President!"

Jackie winked at Jack. As she went and got into his lap. She slowing started kissing him. Jack got up picking Jackie up with him. Moving their way to the bed.

Jack puts Jackie on the bed and he climbs on top of her. She starts to undo his shirt and pulling his tie off slowly. As soon as they were fixing to start there was a knock on their door.

"Mommy, Daddy?"

Jack got up and got the door. John John was on the other side.

"I'm scared."

"Of what Sam?"

"I'm not Sam! but I had a bad dream."

"Okay come on."

Jack got him back in bed and tucked in. He was sound asleep. Jack went back down to their room. Jackie still laying pretty on the bed.

"I can't believe I got cock blocked by our four year old!"

Jackie started laughing!

"Oh bunny!"

"Now where were we?"

Jack and Jackie woke up by screaming babies. They both jumped up and darted out the door. Patrick and John John and went in there and scared the twins.

"Patrick and John John time out now!"

"Yes mommy..."

Jackie picked up Robert and Jack poked up Brooklyn. They feed them and then rocked them back to sleep.

Jack looked at Jackie.

"It must be hard being 6 months old huh!"

"I guess so bunny!"

Jack laughs. Then Jack and Jackie go and fix breakfast for everyone. When Bobby walked in.

"Hey Jack, Hey Jackie!"

"Hey Bobby!"

Jack and Jackie both responded.

"So Jack would you like the weekend off?"

"Well hell yeah I do!"

"Okay then you're off for the weekend!"

"To Hyannis Port we go!"

Jackie smiled.

"I'll go pack!"

"Right behind!"

They got up to their room and started packing.

"Bobby wants us to leave so he can plan world domination!"

"Oh bunny, that's probably true!!"

"Could you imagine him taking over?"

"I don't want to!"

Jack laughed as cCaroline, John John and Patrick came in. Mrs. Shaw behind them with the twins!

"So kids were going to Hyannis Port today!"

They kids were so happy. They were running and jumping around.

"Mommy I'll go pack!"

"No Caroline Daddy and I have it covered."


They soon boarded Air force one and headed to Hyannis Port!

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