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Jackie was now 9 months pregnant. And was passed her due date. She felt awful. She felt fat and ugly. She spent most of her time in bed or in the bath. Jack did everything he could to help her feel better. He waited on her hand and foot.

Jack would run back and forth between the Oval and Jackie. He didn't want to miss a minute of her pregnancy. On his fourth trip up to check on her he opened the door and Jackie was slumped over the bed crying and holding her stomach. Jack ram over to her and put his arms around her.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I think I may be in labor but my water hasn't broke yet."

"Okay we'll let's go ahead and see the doctor."

Jack grabbed Jackie and helped her up. Then they slowly made their way downstairs. Bobby was walking towards them. He was worried when he saw them. Because Jack was pale and Jackie was crying. Bobby ran towards them.

"What's wrong?"

"She is in pain, we think he may be in labor but her water hasn't broke yet."

"Okay here let me help."

Bobby ran to get the car. Then help Jack get Jackie in the car. On the way over there Jackie was crying. Jack was wanting to cry but new he had to be strong. He reminded his self Kennedy's don't cry.

Once they arrived at the hospital. Wouldn't you know the press would be there. The secret service agents guarded the President and First Lady. As soon as Jack helped Jackie out of the car they headed for the door. Jackie stopped. Then looked down. Her water broke. Then she started to cry again.

"I'm going to be on the front page of the paper."

"No no your not baby. I won't allow it."

Jack turned to the secret service agent.

"Get all the film the have. I don't want my wife to on the front page of the papers."

"Yes sir."

They rushed her into a room. She wasn't ready to push. But she wanted to because she was so uncomfortable. Jack help her hand the whole time.

"Shh it's okay baby. Our bundle of joy will be here sooner than you know!"

"I know. I wish it would be now!"

Jack smiled. Jackie almost broke his hand during her next contraction. Jack felt useless that there was nothing he could do to help her.

Finally after an hour. It was time. The doctor came in. After 20 minutes. Baby Rose was here! Jack tried not cry. But he was so happy. That a tear escaped his eye. As he stood there holding his new baby. He looked into her eyes. And felt at peace. Nothing else mattered to him. He knew that no matter what he always had his family.

Soon after all the family came up. Everyone feel in love with baby Rose. She was beautiful. She looked like Jackie. But had Kennedy running threw her veins. Bobby loved her. He didn't want to give her back.

"Alright Bobby give me my daughter back if you want another one talk to your wife."

"Then it would make 12!"

Jack laughed.

"Oh well. You are the one who wanted a lot of children."

Everyone laughed.

"You two are worse than a couple of kids!"

Ethel said.


Short chapter I know!!! But more to come tonight. I have something to do today. So it will be close to 9 when I start the next chapter! Happy reading!

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