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The twins turn one tomorrow. The family all went to Hyannis Port for the party. It was just going to be family.

Caroline came running threw the house.

"Today is the day!"

Bobby appeared and picked her up.

"Today is the day for what buttons?"

"The twins are one!"

Bobby laughed.

"I know I know!"

Jackie, Joan, and Ethel were down stairs with their husbands sisters. They were all setting up for the party. Jack, Bobby, and Ted took the kids out to play. So the girls could set up.

The party started. Jackie had people being the horses over. Jack didn't know until he walked out side and saw Caroline riding by him.

"Umm Jackie?"

"Yes bunny!"

"Our daughter has found a horse?"

"No no I had a few brought over so the kids could ride."

"Well John and I are not getting close to those things!"

"Oh bunny!"

Jack winked at her and she smiled.

After the party everyone was cleaning up. And Jack came up behind Jackie.

And whispered in her ear.

"Come up stairs with me."

"How, people will notice we are gone."

"No they won't come on."

They sneak off and head up stairs. They go into their room and Jack shuts the door. And begins kissing Jackie. The Jackie pulls back.

"Why did you do that for?"

"You didn't lock the door!"

"Oh okay."

Jackie walks over and locks the door. She turns and winks at Jack. Jack makes his way over to her and pushes her against the door. Wanting more he picks her up and head for the bed. Jackie already unbuttoning his shirt while he unzips her dress.

Jackie laid there on Jack's chest. Jack running his fingers threw her hair. When they hear someone trying to come in. Then they knock.

"Jack are you in there?"

"Go away Bobby!"

"I knew it, you and Jackie are-"

Jack runs up and puts his robe on and opens the door.

"Shut up!"

"Haha look at you, your hair is a mess and you have lipstick all over you face and neck!"

"Go to hell, your just mad because your sex life isn't as great as mine."


"Go away please."

"Family football game 20 minutes be there or forever be a loser!"

"I'll be there!"

Jack slams the door and turns to Jackie who is laughing.

"He has to be the biggest mood killer ever!"

"Jackie we can never have sex with him in the same radius because he always some how finds out and makes a big deal about it."

"I know I know!"

They make their way back downstairs. Ted spots Jack and walks over.

"Alright bro! You scored!"

"Who told you!"

"Who do you think!"

Jack walks over to Bobby and pulls him out side and throws him into the water.


"Because your a rat!"

"Oh yeah I told Ted!"

"I know! So there for here is your revenge!"

"Help me out of the water please."

"Nope get out of the water yourself."

Jack walks away from Bobby. Ted looks at Jack.

"Way too look like a bad ass Jack!"

"That because I am a bad ass!"

Everyone laughed. Then Ethel ran over to Bobby to help him out.

Once out he took off running towards Jack. Jack picks up Robert.

"No no no! you can't hurt the baby!"

"You use your own son for protection?"

"Yes I am because I also know your a sucker for babies."

Bobby rolled his eyes as he walked upstairs to change.

Jackie walked over and took Robert from Jack. And shook her head.


"Nothing bunny!"

Everyone was laughing.

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