Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Well Summer came quicker than expected. 10 days go by really quickly. Louis said he was going back to his hometown, Doncaster, with Stan the whole summer, so I won't be able to see him the whole summer. I would text him but he never replied back. How did I know this was going to happen? There's nothing I did during summer break, except go swimming and hanging out with Lily. I was at a sad stage of life. I mainly stayed inside, I was always asked to hang out with friends at the pool or the mall and I just said no. I wanted be be alone for a while. Louis never texted me this whole summer and it was the day before 7th grade and still no text. This school year is going to be bad, I kept saying to myself. Lily made it her mission to make me happy again. She would come to my house and try to hang out with me. There were times where we went to play basketball or see a concert, but I never liked that. Me and lily had our last "summer" hangout and went to an amusement park. We started on roller coasters and little games, I ended up winning a giant panda. We decided to ride Deja Vu, the scariest ride here, right in front of us was someone so familiar.

"Stan?" I say. The boy in dark brown hair turned around and greeted us, "Hey Sam! This is my friend Jake. He moved here from England last week and is going to our school this year!"

"Ello! Nice to me you" he said in his British accent.

We talked and talked the whole time we were waiting in line. We finally got on, so me and Lily were in front of Stan and Jake. Our screams made them laugh and Stan looked like he was going to faint laughing. Once we got off, we talked about the embarrassing moments we had. We decided to go on the same rides the rest of the night and it was so much fun. There was one ride called "Fire and Ice" and there were two different roller coasters and you would see who would win, it was always different each time. Me and Lily won the first and they won the second. It was close to around 10 pm when the park was about to close.

"See you tomorrow!" Stan said.

With that we all left and got home. I was so nervous for tomorrow. This whole summer I kept thinking about Louis. He may not talk to me, but i'm prepared if that happens. I took a long shower and dressed in my pajamas. It was around midnight when I finally fell asleep.

The next morning came super quick. I got up, brushed my long brown hair and added a purple bow to go along with my outfit: a purple crop top that said, "Hakuna Matata" and jean shorts. I grabbed my backpack an headed into my moms car. "What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?" I kept saying to myself, "Well it means he doesn't like you!" my mind added. We got to school in five minutes and I waved goodbye to my mom and then started looking for Lily. As I walked towards the reading circle hangout, blue eyes caught mine. It was Louis. He didn't wave or anything, he just stared at me. I walked past him and tried not to stare at him. His friends noticed and thought there was something wrong. I saw Stan and Jake and waved. I found Lily sitting on a bench with her phone in her hand.

"hey 7th grader!" She screamed.

"Hey," I say a bit more sad.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Louis saw me and stared right into my eyes and didn't say anything"

"Don't worry about him! Hopefully he isn't your locker neighbor again" she laughs

With that the bell rang and I looked for my new locker... 261. I found my locker and put my backpack in. I saw Louis look right at me and walking towards me but I turned away. Little did I know he was my locker neighbor.. Again. I just grabbed my schedule and stuff and walked away. Lily came running towards me again. My mind is so confused. I don't know if I will talk to him. Will he ever be the same person he was last year?

"He looked so sad when you didn't say anything!"

"Good." I reply.. Regretting what I said.

I walked to my first period class, Spanish. Luckily Louis wasn't in that class, but he was in my second period class, Gym. Luckily I had lily too. Every so often me and lily would glance at him and he is just staring at me. I found myself not caring about it at all. I'm pretty proud at myself, making myself look like I didn't care about Louis, made me feel good. I never told Lily I liked him again, after last summer I said I didn't like him anymore, when secretly I did.

Weeks and weeks have gone by at school until I walked into school and rumors went around saying that Louis is dating Paige. My heart dropped when I found out, like someone grabbed my heart and threw it on the ground to shatter into a million pieces. I became so depressed about it that I pretended to be sick a few times just so I couldn't see it. It was almost Christmas break and Louis was heard for dating another girl. I told my mom we needed a vacation, soon enough after Christmas Break we took a trip to Florida. I just couldn't handle this. Rumors of him liking me has kept happening since 6th grade but now? I'm completely done. I realized what the hell is wrong with me? Thinking I should be depressed even sad? That's ridiculous, I need to get back to my old self and stop caring.

Shattered//Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now