Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter 42

(Sam's POV)


I just recently graduated from high school. I'm not starting college for another six months because I wanted to take a break from learning. I also moved into my own apartment that is really nice. Two bedrooms, three baths, and a huge living room that is probably my favorite room.

Since Louis moved to some place in England, I've been really cautious of who I date. I'm afraid they will leave me. The history we made, all gone. I never really kept in touch with Louis, we texted until last year.

I get out of my bed and slowly walk towards my bathroom. My messy bun has taken it's name literally. Hair strands all over my head. I carefully take out the hair elastic I had and try not to hurt myself. I brush my hair and decide to just to a braid. I was too lazy to do anything special. I brush my teeth and walk to my closet.

I grab a sweater that had the teenage mutant ninja turtles on them, which was my favorite. I may look too old, but I feel like a kid. I put on some black leggings and find my gray uggs.

Today I am babysitting my friend Christy's daughter, Hope. She is the cutest little eight year old and she is like a sister to me. I skip breakfast and walk outside to my car.

When I get to Christy's house, Hope is waiting for me outside. She ran towards my car and opens the passenger seat.

"And who said you could sit in the front?" I ask.

"I did."

"We'll hello to you too Hope!"

Hope giggles and just stares out the window. She wanted to go to the mall to get some clothes and whatever else a five year old wants. She doesn't live far from the mall, we could get there in ten minutes top.

Hope grabs my hand and pulls me towards a store called 'Justice' that looks like the clothes can blind you.

"Where's my gift card?" Hope asks.

I pull them out of my purse and prove her I have them all.

"Well.... I am going to sit on this bench right here while you pick your things and come to me when you're ready, okay?" I ask.

"Sure! I'll be quick."

My stomach wasn't being nice to me. It felt like someone just stabbed me in the stomach and sharp pains are coming. I make sure to keep watch of her so nothing happens.

After going to Panda Express in the food court, we are at our final destination, Claire's.

This was my favorite store and her age too. I walk around with Hope as she picks out some things she wants.

"Sam, can you help me find something?" Hope asks.

"Sure! What is it?"

"One Direction."

"Done Infection?"

"No! One Direction! They're my favorite band! Niall's mine!" She shouts.

I never heard of a 'One Direction' before. Out of the music I listen to, this band wasn't on my list.

"Excuse ma'am, can you show me where you're One Direction merchandise is?" I ask a worker.

She guides us to this wall that is covered in items. Hope quietly squeals as she looks at what she wants.

"Can I get these pillows? One for each member?" She asks.

"It's your gift card, so go ahead."

She jumps in excitement as she runs towards the cashier. I hand the lady Hope's gift cars and grab the bags.

"Sam! Does this look okay?" Hope screams from upstairs.

I ran upstairs and look that she has the pillows we bought on her bed.

"I like it! Now tell me about this One Direction," I tell her.

"Well that's Niall," she says pointing to a boy with blonde hair.

"That's Zayn," pointing to a boy that has blackish hair.

"That's Liam," pointing to a boy with short brown hair.

"That's Harry," pointing to a cute boy with curly brown hair.

"and that's Louis," she said pointing to a boy with side swept brown hair.

That was my Louis.


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