Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21

The movie finally ended and it's near nine. I have to admit, that wasn't a scary movie at all. I was always told "make the horror movie seem funny" and it's worked for me.

"Do you want any food??" He asks.

"Erm sure..whatcha got?"

"Well we can make pizza! The dough is already made. We have shredded cheese and sauce for it?"

"Okay! I've never made my own pizza before," I reply.

"Just don't get messy" he says handing me a bowl of sauce, dough, cheese, and a rolling pin.

I begin to place a little amount of flower on the dough and try to flatten in out. It's harder to do this than I thought. I glance at Louis' and his looks normal. Mine looks like a huge potato.

"Louis...I think I did it wrong..."

He looks at mine, "haha I'll help."

He grabs the dough and begins to bring it back into a ball. By the time he finishes it looks normal.

"Thank Louis"

"No prob, just put on some sauce and then add cheese. Then we put it in the oven for like twenty minutes I think."

"Alright," I reply while smoothing sauce on the dough.

Once the pizza is in the oven we decide to just sit down on the couch and watch TV.

"So how's school for you?" He asks.

"It's fine..I mean it's just like last year, except I hardly see you." I reply.

I was being honest. I guess I consider him a good friend. I always wanted a friend like him. I was always wanted a guy friend because they are less drama. It's a fact.

"Yea same. Do you still want to go to England in the summer? It was fun with you. Usually I'm stuck with old family members and my sisters."

"I would love to Louis, but I don't know. What if we argue again during the school year, or during the trip?"

"Sam, we won't. We're practically siblings. Siblings may fight, but we love each other unconditionally."

Hmm? Did he just say he loves me?TOO YOUNG FOR THIS. I hope he doesn't see me blushing. My heart is beating out of my chest. I need to act calm. I move closer and hug him. We stay there for a good two minutes.

"Thanks Lou," I say.

"For what?"

"For everything, from when we met until now. Thank you."

He hugs me again and I thought I heard him mutter "spy mike loo" what? Did he say "I like you"? I'm so tempted to say it back.

The oven rings and Louis runs over to get the pizzas. Mine looks pretty good for the first time I ever made home made.

"Wow Sam, for your first time making pizza, it's pretty good!"

"I know, I know" I reply with a smile.

I grab my pizza from Louis and begin eating it. Mine was pretty good. I grabbed a piece of Louis and he slapped my hand. I give him a "that hurt" expression. He begins laughing uncontrollably.

"What?" I asks.

"You have sauce on your cheek."

"Really? That's so funny?

"Yeah! That's hilarious!"

"You're such a child Louis Tomlinson!"

With that he runs upstairs towards his room fake crying and closes the door. I decide to play with him...

"Okay bye Louis!" I shout walking out the back door near the pool.

"NOOOOO" is all I hear before the door opens again and I'm pushed into the pool.


"No you don't!" He says jumping in the pool. He pretends he is a shark and goes after me. I try swimming away but it's hard. Wearing clothes instead of a swim suit in water is hard. He grabs the hood of my sweater. I scream but he covers my mouth with his hands and turns me over so I'm facing him. I lick his hand and he removes his hand in disgust.


"that should teach you NOT to act like a shark" I smile. I decide to swim away but Louis grabs my hood and pulls me back so I'm facing him, again.

"What? I should get going, it's late" I say kinda scared of Louis.

"Fine, but you forgot one thing,"

"What?" I ask. Worried. Scared. Help. We're in a pool. Water can kill people.

Louis looks straight in my eyes and leans closer to me. WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING. His eyes begin to close. OH GOD. He's trying to kiss me? I'm only in 8th grade. Before I try and move his lips touch mine. It lasted five seconds..I think. All I do is just smile at him and climb out of the pool, Louis following me. I walk into his house and grab my phone in the kitchen. Louis is standing behind me.

"Thanks Louis. I had a good time," I say hugging him, still in shock of him kissing me.

"Sorry Sam."

"You don't need to be sorry. It's fine" I say before hugging him one last before walking out the door and walking home. Only a five minute walk feels likes hours when I try to collect what just happened. Oh gosh.

Shattered//Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now