Chapter Forty One

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Chapter 41

(Louis' POV)

In less than 12 hours, I will be gone. I'll be at the airport. Today has been one of those days where you just want to sleep and be sad all day. Sam hasn't answered my calls or texts. We can't just end this way. I meant to tell her yesterday night at the dance, but she wouldn't let me finish.

I stare at my lifeless room to see a note on the floor. There is nothing in my room, everything was either donated somewhere or is being shipped to the house in Doncaster. I kneel down and pick up the paper. It's from Sam.


I'm sorry that I ran out like that. I was just in shock that you didn't tell me. I know you're leaving soon and I just want to say thanks. For all the fun times in England and here. I hope we can see each other again. It's going to be hard becoming the third wheel of Stan and Lily, but I'll get use to
it. Remember, I will never forget you, no matter how long it takes before we see each other, I'll never forget you.

Love, Sam."

Tears began to fill me eyes, Sam changed my life. If I never met her, I would never have found my love for soccer and singing. She created who I am today.

"Lou? We're leaving in about half an hour," my mom says through the door.

"But our flight doesn't leave for another six hours.."

"It takes us two hours to get to the airport and it could be busy, so get ready!"

30 minutes to say goodbye to all my friends. This is the worst Sunday of my life. Stan and Lily are meeting me and the airport to say bye. Sam? Well I don't know.

I carry my carry on bag into the car and sit in the back with my sisters. I take my phone out of my sweater pocket and check all the messages, none from Sam.

"Louis are you okay?" Lottie asks.

"I will be, hopefully," I reply.

After what feels like hours worth of driving to the airport, going through security, we are waiting for the plane to board us.

"LOUIS!!" Stan cries.

I stand up and run towards him and Lily. Stan looks like he has been crying a lot, same as Lily.

"I'm going to miss you Louis!" Lily cries.

They both put in a group hug and I laugh. I can't see my life without them. They all mean the world to me.

"L-Louis?" I hear a voice.

Stan and Lily both look at me and smirk. It wasn't them, it was someone else. Probably Lottie or my mom. I turn to see my family sitting in the waiting area, none of them are looking at me. Who could it be? I turn back around to see a beautiful girl looking at me. The same eyes I began to like in 6th grade.

"Sa-Sam?" I ask.

I walk up to her and she pulls me into a hug. She's already crying and so am I.

"I'm so sorry Sam, I was going to tell you at homecoming, but Lily already told you."

"It's fine. I'm sorry I didn't give you enough time to tell me," she responds.

"I don't want this to be the reason we end," I cry.

"Louis, we have no choice. We may never see each other ever again, just like in my letter, I'll never forget about you."

"Flight 402 for Doncaster England, your flight is now boarding."

Those words, those words I never wanted to hear. This is it. I may never see these 3 people ever again. Tears spill down my cheek as I go to hug Stan and Lily before they walk away. Next was Sam. I pull her into another tight hug and stay there because I never want to let go.

"I'll miss you Lou," she cries.

"I'll miss you more," I reply.

I give her a quick smile and start walking towards the gate with me ticket. I hand the lady my ticket and before I walk into the plane, I look back at my three best friends. I'll never forget them, ever.

I give them a quick wave as I walk onto the plane. I find my seat next to Lottie and sit down. Lottie was already asleep, so I didn't want to bother her. I open my carry on to find a memento I will keep forever.

A picture of me and Sam. Where Sam wrote in the corner, "you put a spell on me."

MERRY CHRISTMAS! The only thing that I realllly like is a 5sos t-shirt and the One Direction fragrance. Probably another update today. This story seems so boring idk why. ANYWAY, THERE IS GOING TO BE A FAST FORWARD TO LIKE 2013 or 2014 SO YA. WOOO

Shattered//Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now