Chapter One

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Chapter 1

It's the first day of school. I'm finally in middle school. My nerves are getting the best of me. I feel as if everyone is staring and judging me. Lily, my best friend, told me middle school are the years you are afraid of what people say. I try to stay calm and not be the type of person I am, who runs to my friends and smiles every second of the day. Today I decide to walk for the first time instead of run. I get out of my mom's car, wave and then go looking for Lily. I saw her talking to a new set of friends that probably went to another school.

"Sam!! I haven't seen you since... Yesterday but were finally in middle school!" Lily says.

"I know! Hi I'm Sam if you don't know me."

"Hi Sam, I'm Sarah, I hope we have classes together!" she replied.

As we get in a deep conversation about random things, the bell rings and we are sent through the freshly painted doors and up to our lockers. The school is huge. Coming from a small elementary school, it seems two times bigger. The floors are arranged by grade. Sixth gets first, seventh gets second, and eighth gets third, then there is a small part of the school for the school gyms, band, choir, and cafeteria rooms. I feel like I can get lost in here within minutes. The stairs are beginning to get crowded by large eighth graders. They make me seem scared but I'm not. Just because they are two years older than me, doesn't mean they can boss me around. I look at the paper that showed my locker and combination along with my schedule.

"Locker 144..." I say to myself.

"Oh hey! Your locker 144? I'm 143! Here I'll walk you to your locker," and brown haired, blued eyed boy said to me. I thought I whispered it to myself so no one could hear. He must think I'm crazy for talking to my self. Great Sam, way to embarrass yourself.

He walks me to my locker and helps me open it and put my backpack in it. We talk for a few minutes before the bell rings reminding us there are 5 minutes until class starts. He then leaves to go to his class. Lily walked by and stopped by me.

"Where's locker 124? Ugh!" She screams.

"Right across from mine," I laugh, "my locker neighbor is super cute, I never got his name though."

"OOOH Sam has a crush!"

"Shush I have to get to science,"

"Me too! Lets walk together!"

We walked to Science together and we talked about the boy who was my locker neighbor, "I must meet this boy" she says.

"Dibs! Plus he's my locker neighbor"

"Fine!" She pouts.

As we finally made it to room 203 a woman was standing in front of the door. The teacher. Long brown curly hair, and a black dress on. She seems pretty nice, so far.

"Hi I'm Mrs. Darble, I'll be your science teacher this year! Please go to the windows where everyone else is for the new seats arrangements."

"Thanks!" You and Lily say together.

You walk in and soon as you look up, that boy was staring at you, with a slight smirk on his face. You look away and blush. Mrs. Darble walks in and waves hello to everyone with a smile. I admire the room and how models of cells, viruses, chemistry, biology, and animals cover the room. It seems comforting. She has poster hung all around full of confidence quotes and science facts.

"Alright children I call you each over and point to where you will be sitting this whole year."

She began reading off names and it finally came to where about 10 kids were still waiting for their seats to be called. Me and lily were one of them. My nerves start to kick back in and I feel as if I'm about to run from the class. I hope I don't sit next to him, even though I want to. He might be a distraction to me and then I won't do as well as I want to this year.

"Emily you will sit right her," she said pointing to a desk, "next to her will be Louis, then across is Lily and Zach."

I literally screamed inside. I walk through the maze of desks and finally find my seat. I'm happy I'm with Lily. I glance over at her giving her the "help me" stare. She smirks and smiles. He sat down next to me and I put my stuff in my desk.

"I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson" he says.

"I'm Sam, Samantha Taper"

"Your sweet, can't wait to enjoy this year with you" he replies with a smile.

I never thought someone can be so nice. We talked for a few minutes before the teacher started to talk. I tried not to seem like I noticed blue eyes on me. Louis is a pretty nice guy, if I don't want to embarrass myself then I will have to work hard, study hard, and try hard. One wrong answer or bad test and he will think something is wrong with me. Why am I feeling this way? Millions and millions of questions roam through my mind and I can't control them.

"Sam.." The teacher calls.


"What do all living things have?"

"......All living things have cells."

I feel nervous because everyone is staring at me. I must've gotten it right because no one laughed. I heard Louis get up for something and seconds later he whispered in my ear "nice one" with a smirk on his face.


Alright so I'm not a fan of long chapters soooooo my chapters are short. This is my first book so if you don't like, it will probably get better. Thank you for reading and I hope you like it! :)

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