Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

The talk with my parents about staying was horrendous. Louis decided to come with me and now my parents think we are dating, "we don't even know his parents!" That's their excuse after every sentence. I tried to tell Louis before we talked to them that my parents are some what strict. They let me go with Louis yesterday without worrying, but I can see leaving your child for three extra days is terrifying. I literally fought with them for an hour and we...they were going to be late for their flight.

"Fine, we'll let you stay... IF you call every night."

"Yes, of course I will!"

I can't believe they even said yes. I legit packed my bags before all this because I knew they would say no.

"First I must these parents," my mom says with a smile.

Me and Louis smile at each other and hold our excitement in. I tell my mom thank you and almost cry. I hug her so tight that she can't breathe. My mom walks into her hotel room and starts packing for the airport. I walk to my room and start packing.

"I never thought you would be able to stay..." Louis says as he walks in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I laugh.

"Sam I'm serious.. My parents are totally fine with you staying, but they never thought it would actually happen."

"Louis if you didn't want me to actually stay, you could've just said so,"

"Sam I want you hear, I just don't know if your mom is actually happy."

I don't reply. I keep packing thinking if I should really do this. Leaving my mom and dad alone in our house doesn't feel right. Sure they have work and friends, but I'm afraid they will feel lonely.

"I'll be in the lobby waiting" Louis says and walks out. The thing that confuses me is that we are only 13 and I legit hated him a month ago and now I'm staying at his house in England for three days. If he doesn't talk to me in 8th, I'm done. I walk into my mom's hotel room and find her just about ready.

"Mom... I don't have to stay if you dot want me to"

"No, sweetie I do want you to, you hardly made friends since we moved here years ago. I want you to be happy. Sure I'm going to miss you for three days but I promise I won't be happy unless I know you are having fun."

I am literally tearing up and I can't hide my emotions. I lean in to hug her and help her get her suitcase packed. I grab my suitcase and walk into the elevator.

"Promise you'll call every night?"

"Yes mom I promise."

The elevator opens and there is Louis sitting on the couch near the front desk. Louis stands up and greets us. I give my mom a final hug and Louis hugs her too. I have to say it feels a bit better not having my mom spying on me and knowing my every move. When I was with Louis the other day my mom texted me at least a hundred times. My mom walks out the door to the taxi and Louis dad is here waiting for us. Louis sees my tears and leans in to hug me, "I'm sorry, you'll see her in three days and I will do anything to get your mind off this. I don't want a sad Sam the three days I'm with you."

I laugh it off and grab my suitcase. Louis walks me to his dad's car and loads my luggage into the car.

"Hi, happy to see you again," I say.

Louis' dad introduces himself... again, but it feels weird calling him his name, so I call him Mr. Tomlinson or sir. Louis wasn't joking when he said his house was five minutes away. His house is huge. Louis always said his house was normal, but it's not! It stands out. At least three floors worth. Louis shows me into the house. The first floor is normal, dining, living, bathroom, kitchen, and a den. Second floor has a really cool family room and the rest is bathrooms and bedrooms. Louis gets his own floor. The third floor is all his. Three bedrooms and three bathrooms. Also he has a family room on his floor. Out of all three vacant bedrooms he picks the one across from his room for me. It's nice. Baby blue paint and wooden floors. I drop my suitcase in the room and stay in there for a few minutes. I text my mom telling her I'm fine and head to the family room up here. It's nice, a huge screen television and computer and a nice black leather couch. I sit on the couch and decide to turn on the TV. High School Musical comes on. I start watching then once commercials hit, I went on my phone and texted Lily. Seconds later Louis comes out of his room.

"I didn't hear you leave your room" he says sitting next to me.

"Sorry, I'm quiet"

"High School Musical? The movie that makes everyone think they can have a school year like that and a love story like that? What a joke"

"Louis, it's a movie. Let little girls fantasize about their love life."

"Your not fantasizing your love life because I'm here," he mumbles. I act like I didn't hear it and continue watching. We stay up watching all movies. I watch the movie while Louis bickers of how boring it is. I feel his eyes on me but I ignore it and continue watch. He does the cheesy yawn and put his arm around me. I laugh.

"What?" He laughs.

"Nothing...your so cheesy"


"Yawn and then put your arms around me..cheesy"

"Maybe I yawned because I was tired"

"Then we should go to bed"

I get up and turn the TV off. Louis pouts. He follows me towards our rooms and just as he was about to hug me goodnight I close the door and laugh.

"Fine! I'll say goodnight tomorrow!" He laughs.

I change into shorts and a graphic tee and call my mom.

"Hey sweetie how are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

I seem like I can say anything on a phone because I'm not seeing them in person. I talk to my mom until 11 and finally go to sleep.

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