Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Louis and I haven't talked since last school year until today... "Sam, I didn't bring my lunch, I forgot, can you give me something to eat please?"

"Um... Yeah sure!" I say, trying to act like it didn't matter that he hasn't talked to me in forever. When saying yes to giving him food, he ended up asking for food almost everyday till the end of the year. I got tired of it after awhile. Sure it's totally fine to not talk to me for a whole year then decide to ask me for food. I've been sitting with other friends because I don't want to talk to him. I couldn't stand to see him flirt with other people so I just put on a fake smile and acted like I didn't care. I've met plenty of other boys

too. I started to develop a crush on another boy.. Zach. He's super funny and nice, like me. We talked

almost all the time and Louis kept getting jealous. Zach would stop at my locker a few times and Louis would be right there just trying to ignore it. I wasn't doing this to make him jealous, I was doing this because Zach is super nice and friendly. I loved how he's been getting mad. On Spring Break Louis broke up with his girlfriend. I literally did a happy dance. But then the karma kicked in, he started dating another girl. I gave up on him. I slowly started disliking him and it took until the end of 7th grade to finally be done with him. I decided to have a huge, and what I mean by huge is small, party. Zach, Stan, Jake, Lily, Sarah, and me. We all went in my pool and played games and celebrated summer. We had so much fun, not a single thought of Louis came through my mind. I was leaving in a few days to go to England for a surprise family vacation. I had to pack early and leave the house at 6 am. Waking the Taper's up early is not a clever thing to do, especially in the summer. When arriving in England I saw a familiar face. I just didn't think it was him until he turned around and noticed me.

"Sam?" I hear him say.

"Louis?...." I reply, "what are you doing here?"

"Each summer I go to England, you?"

"Surprise vacation I guess. I'm staying at Buckshore Grand Hotel.. You?"

"Oh we have a vacation house about five minutes from there, you should come visit sometime!"

"Aha yeah sure, maybe." I say.

"Sam! Lets go." My mom says.

I wave goodbye and walk away, quickly. I can't believe he just invited me to his vacation house after all that has happened. He didn't talk to me this whole year, just barely. I thought he hated me, but I still liked him a tiny bit. I'm still surprised that he is acting as if nothing happened. Throughout this whole time I was sure I would never see him here, wa la! He's here.

The whole time I was in England, I had a lot of free time to go places or see a movie, but I never had the nerve to visit Louis. It was the last day until I leave. My family decided to go to this restaurant, "British America", so I walk in and we get a table literally in the middle, which makes me think everyone is watching me eat my dinner. I look around while my family discusses business crap. My phone starts buzzing from my pocket. I quietly take out my phone and it starts buzzing again and again. My family has a no phone at the dinner table policy, but this isn't the real dinner table. I sneak my phone under the table. I look at who is texting me and its Louis.

"Turn around :)" it read, so I turned around and there he was. I stare at him in shock. Is he stalking me or something? I text him back, "I see you :-)". Seconds later another text came from him, "you're cute haha."

And there it goes. All the time I took to get him off my mind, he's back. LEAVE MY MIND ALONE LOUIS! Does he hear what I say in my mind because he must. My heart is racing and I don't know what to do. His amazing smile keeps me staring. I smile and look back. It's like he is controlling me without even trying. My life is like a roller coaster, ups downs, twists and turns.

Shattered//Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now