Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19

"Hey Sam! I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat after school?" Lily asks.

"I would, but Louis and I are hanging over at his house." I reply closing my locker.

"Oh, alright" Lily says.

We wait for Jake and begin walking to gym.

"So...did anyone get me food?" Jake asks.

"You wish." I reply.

Jake gives me the pouty face and I reply with a hug. I run into the locker room and change before walking outside with Lily.

"Sam!" Louis says running towards me.

Lily walks away and finds other people to talk to.

"Where should we meet after school?" He asks.

"Well since your locker is right across from mind, I'll meet you a your locker"

"Okay!" He replies before walking away to find friends.

The gym teacher walks out and we run into our squad lines for attendance.

"Soccer, same teams, same fields..GO!"

I run to the middle field and find Louis. "Same team..again!" He says madly.

"Yay!" I reply.

The game starts and me and Louis are the only ones on our team that are actually making an effort. The other team only has one good player, Stefani Burle. She dated Louis in 6th grade for like a week and SHE broke up with him. I have nothing to worry, Louis won't dare to date her anymore. She was so rude to him and I just hate her.

I was running towards the ball and steal it. Passing through all the opponents. I make it to where I am close to the goal, but blocked by two players.

"Sam! Sam!" Louis shouts.

I look over and move my leg to hit the ball and it moved towards Louis. He runs towards the net and GOAAALLL!! I run over and high-five him. By the corner of my eye I could see Stefani get jealous. Might as well get her more jealous. I hug Louis and smile at him. I enjoyed that.

We get back from cheering and all and begin to play the game. I had the ball and I was beginning to pass the opponents. Oh no. Stefani is next. I run faster and as I make my over her a body rams into mine and a knee is hitting my stomach. I fall on the ground and hit my back hard.

"Sam!" Louis screams.

He runs towards me and kneels down to feel my head. I groan in pain and I could see the smirk on Stefani's face.

"Oh Sam! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," she sad sarcastically.

"Shut it Stefani, you did this on purpose," Louis says defending me.

"No! I didn't see her!" She shouts.

"Really? Case your eyes were focused on her! You did this on pur-" he says.

"What's going on?" The teacher interrupts.

"Stefani rammed into Sam and she's hurt," Louis cries.

"Louis, please bring her to the nurse. Tell her everything and say that Sam is in my gym class, okay?"

"Alright! Thank you" Louis says.

I am helped up by Louis and he rests my arm around him as I begin to limp towards the door.

"Sam...are you okay? What did she do?" He asks.

"I'm fine. She just ran into me and kneed me in the stomach." I reply.

"Don't worry. She's a jerk anyways" he says.

"Thanks Louis." I say.

"For what?"

"For helping me. I don't know where I could be without you."

"Thanks Sam. I'm glad we met in 6th grade. I didn't know I could laugh so hard in one day before I met you!" He laughs.

I laugh back at him and he opens the door. We walk down the hall and down the stairs to the nurses room. She is at her desk watching TV, eating a sandwich.

"Hi kids, how may I help you?" She says.

"Uh this is Sam Taper, she was playing soccer when another kid rammed into her and kneed her in the stomach. Oh and Mrs. Patterson's gym class. We're in her gym class." He says.

"Awe sweetie how are you feeling?" She says as she gets

"I'm actually fine. My ankle hurts a little, but I'm fine." I say.

"Sit on the chair, I'll check your ankle." She commands.

I walk towards the chair and Louis stays with me. His eyes are on mine the whole time, even when I'm not looking.

The nurse begins to rub my ankle, "tell me when it hurts," she says and I nod.

She hits a part of my foot and I scream...quietly.

"Is that where it hurts?" She asks.

"Yes," I cry.

"Ahh. I'm sorry Sam. You sprained your ankle."

I stare in shock. I can't play soccer for a good month. Kill me.

"Here, we provide kids with ankle braces. Don't lose it." She says as she puts it on.

"Now you have about eight minutes before the bell rings, so go ahead and change and head to your next class!" She states.

"Thank you!" I say while walking out with Louis.

I walk towards the locker and begin changing. I look in the mirror and fix my outfit then head out to find Louis sitting down in the hallway.

"What class do you have next?" He asks.

"Spanish" I reply.

"Well mi amigo, I'll walk you up to your class room." He says.

I laugh and we begin walking. The bell rings and I know Louis will be late if he walks to my room.

"So meet at your locker right?" I ask.

"Yea! See ya later!" He replies.

That was the last I saw of him until we will meet at his locker. Louis is that friend that you would dream of. Not think would be realistic. Being honest, caring, nice, and funny in one person is like a dream friend. Someone to talk to all the time and listen to what you have to say...he's perfect....he's Louis.

Shattered//Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now