Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter 36

(Louis' POV)

Lily and Sam just left and they won't be back for a few hours. Lily agreed that she would take Sam to the beach and walk her to the picnic area without telling. I hope it works. Since they will take a while, me and Stan decided to swimming before we set everything up. England is cold no matter, but it feels warmer than normal. I walk upstairs and into my room to change into my swim shorts. 

I grabbed my towel from Stan as we walked down the road to the beach. There was a small flight of stairs to get down, but not as long as Big Ben. So...for breakfast I didn't eat a normal breakfast. I had a few cookies. And if you know me, I get hyper when I have sugar in the morning. I feel like I can do anything. Maybe fly? I SHOULD TRY IT. I jump in the air and flap my hands, but I didn't fly. Stan is looking at me like I just smacked his face. Cool. 

"You okay Louis?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm normal. Totally normal. A little bit of sophistication and - NO I'M NOT THAT'S WHAT IS UP. I WANNA FLY, BUT MY SUPER POWERS AREN'T WORKING TODAY."

"Oh god Lou."

I ran towards the sand and placed my towel on the ground. Hardly anyone was here since this was a residential part of the beach. I run towards the water and jump in.

"COLD COLD COLD FREAKING COLD!" I scream like a girl.

"Lou, it's suppose to be."

"Well who peed in your corn flakes today mister?" I ask.

"Lou, you only have an hour till we have to go back. You need to shower, make the food, and set it up. So either swim or not. I'm going swimming."

"Yes sir."

I pretended that I was a mermaid and swam underwater. Yea..I'm that cool. I was interrupted when Stan grabbed my arm. I screamed, not knowing who it was. 

"Louis we gotta get back to the house. We are an hour behind."

I was being a mermaid for two hours? I must be that magical. I ran to shore and grabbed my towel to dry myself off. I put on my 'sandals' and caught of with Stan. For some reason I had the urge to skip, like a girl, back to the house.

"C'mon Stan! Join me!"

He let out a long laught before deciding to skip with me. That my friend, is true friendship. When we got back, I ran to the bathroom while Stan prepared the food. I changed into something nice, but not too nice. A blue button up shirt, and some jeans. I look pretty fancy if you ask me. I walk downstairs and see Stan has it all prepared.

"Let's go shall we?" he asks.

"Do you got the candles and blanket?"

"All in the basket," he replies.

We walk carefully to the beach. I don't want to ruin my fabulous look. Stan lays out the blanket near the water. He places the basket in the middle and begins placing the candles on the corner. The pillows are our seats so we place them on each side of the blanket. This is going to be perfect! The sun beginning to set and Stan was just finishing up setting the 'table'. 

"Lily said that they just arrived at the other end of the beach, so give them like five minutes," Stan said.

Okay. Luckily they won't see the picnic because I, Louis Tomlinson, made a wall of sand blocking them from seeing it so far so Sam won't think anything about it. I know, I know, I'm smart. 

"Lou, I'm going to be hiding on the stairs, Lily will meet me up here and then we will talk home. Okay?" 


"What?" he asks.

"Fabulous and Fantastic combined. Fabtastic."



"You're an idiot."


"No problem."

"Whatevs" I respond.

"I see them!!!! Have funnnnn Louuuu" 

I turned to my left and saw Lily and Sam walking towards me. I get down and hide behind a bush. Why is there a bush by the beach? Whatever. Anyways...Sam and Lily are getting closer and closer. Oh god. Here goes my heart beat. BUH BAM BUH BAM BUH BAM. 

"What's this?" Sam asks.

Lily legit ran away when Sam wasn't looking so I decided to sneak up on her. I covered her eyes and she screamed. She elbowed me in the stomach and I cried in pain. 


"Yea" I try to say.


"It's fine love. I'll be fine."

Sam runs to help me up from the ground and gives me a huge hug. I was still in pain, but I need to live through it. I guided her to the mini picnic scene and told her to sit on one of the pillows. I handed her the plate full of food and I grabbed mine.


"It's fine Sam. I'm good," I laugh.

"Why did you do this?" she asks.

"You said you wanted some alone time with, so here you are!"

For a few minutes it was silent because we were eating all the food. After we ate the food, we went on a little walk. It was kinda fun. Hand in hand just talking about tomorrow and school.

"So what time are we leaving tomorrow?" she asks.

"Like 9 in the morning. It's okay, you can come over and we can PARTAYYYY" 

"Then we should head's like ten at night right now."

We decide to keep the stuff on the beach, it's a private beach, it'll be fine. We'll get it before we left. We walked up the stairs and onto the road. This has been a fun trip. We went to an amusement park, water park, and more. It was sooooooooo much fun. I can't wait for next year! We know what's in London, so we can do stuff without planning ahead. 

When we got home I went straight to bed and closed my eyes. I was beyond tired and I just need sleep. Tomorrow we are going back home and in two days, I'm gonna be in high school.

PAUL IS LEAVING ONE DIRECTION. LET'S ALL TAKE A MOMENT AND JUST CRY. I am not okay. JUST NO PAUL. HE IS MY UNCLE OF ONE DIRECTION. JUST NO. ANYWAYS... this took me two (school) days to complete it sooooo an update thursday? WOWOWOWOWOWOW i have one more week until winter break. yas. just yas. IDK WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. I'M TEXTING MY FRIEND SOME SONG LYRICS AND SAYING HOW FABTASTIC I AM. i need help. BYYEE

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