Part 2

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A few days later....

I spent all summer in France with my family and I was finally back home. The first thing I'm going to do is visit my boyfriend.

Harry was at Ron's house and i decided to surprise him, he has no idea i got home today.

"Hermione are you ready to go to the weasleys?" I heard my mum ask from downstairs


I just finished packing for school while at the same time making sure I am wearing an outfit that will make his jaw drop. I decided on skinny jeans and a frilly purple tanktop that shows off the curves and the breasts I gained over the summer.

After putting on my shoes I rushed down to the car where my mum was waiting, I couldn't contain my excitment. I missed the kisses we would share and the dates we would go on. I hated being apart from him this summer.

"Hermione" My mum calls bringing me out of my daydream

"Yeah? Sorry i was just....just thinking" I tell her, she gives me that knowing smile, she knows how excited i am.

"We're here. Now please write to your father and i this year. I already talked to Molly and she will be taking you to diagon alley to get your school things"

"Thanks mum. Love you" I quickly got out of the car and grabbed my trunk

After waving goodbye I made my way to the front door, i knocked not too hastily as to not overdue it.

"Hermione.Welcome" Molly says pulling me in for a hug

"The boys are up playing exploding snap. You can just place you trunk in your room" I went up the stairs to my room, i already knew where it was since i visited last year.

Once I was settled with my trunk i finally made my way up two more flights of stairs before reaching Ron's room. I quietly opened the door. The minute he saw me his eyes nearly pops out of his head, he stood and the biggest smile appeared on his face.

"Mione!" Harry yells running to me and engulfing me in his hug

I just held him taking in his sudden warmth. It feels so good to be in his arms again.

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you to mione" He whispers still not letting me go

I finally managed to detach from him only allowing for his lips to connect with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. I suddenly felt his tongue slip in my mouth, as he ran his hands up my sides and gripped my waist tighter


"Hello earth to Harry and Hermione?"

"Ok well I'm going downstairs while you two get....reacquainted" Ron says as i feel him walk out of the room

Finally Harry and i let go allowing us to both breathe.

"I had no idea you were coming back today" He says breathing heavily

"I got in this morning. I wanted to come and surprise you....are you surprised?" I asked a little nervous, but based on his reaction i would say i surprised him pretty well

"Yeah. I missed you so much this summer. Your letters weren't enough. I'm so glad i get to hold in my arms again. You look so different and beautiful" He says staring down at my body

I pulled him in for another kiss this one only lasting a minute.

"Hermione i know we were a little busy with the whole snogging thing but.... do you think we should go find Ron or Ginny? I assume you came straight up here without seeing her" He asks awkwardly

"Not quite yet. I want to be with you for a little while longer" I pulled him over to the bed and laid my head on his shoulder

"This year I hope for some normalcy. Just you and i surviving this year with no Voldemort trying to kill me" He says wrapping his arms around my waist

"I hope that too" I gave him a quick kiss before settling myself back on his shoulder


Ron's pov

"Hey Ronnie did you say hello to Hermione yet? I heard she got here awhile ago" George and Fred ask approaching me on the couch

"No. The minute she saw Harry she grabbed him a snogged him for a good 5 minutes. It was really disgusting, they didn't even notice i was in the room. I'm still not completely on board with their relationship"

"We ought to fix that problem. What do you think Freddie? Based on our baby brothers reaction, he seems to also be missing Hermione"

"But Harry is hogging her. So shall we?"

"I think that sounds perfect" Fred says walking off

I decided to let them be, i mean cold water couldn't seperate those two. From the looks of it, they were inseparable.

No pov

After sitting with each other for awhile. Hermione began talking about her trip to France and all the wonderful things she saw. They were laying down this time on Harry's bed holding each other in their arms.

"The Eiffel tower was beautiful. I need to take you someday" Hermione says

"It won't be nearly as beautiful as you"

Hermione climbed on top of him crashing their lips together once again. Their tongues battled in a passionate frenzy as Harry's hand slightly moved up the back of her shirt. She moaned in his mouth as he suddenly connected his lips just below her ear. Flipping her over, Harry instantly began to suck on her neck causing her to arch his back and move against his body. Her grinding against him only made it more hot. They were finally able to rid the romantic tension they both gained after not seeing each other for a long period of time. Hermione grabbed his chin bringing his lips back to hers. As her hands lost its way into his hair, the sudden sound of a door opening could be heard, but the pair ignored it as they continued snogging endlessly.

"Harry...." Hermione began to moan

Harry began moving his hand up the front of her shirt and towards her bra. Pressing his lips more forcefully on hers, she could feel him getting more eager. But they couldn't do anything when everyone else was in the house, but then again a privacy spell could work? Hermione thought.


They both separated after feeling the ice cold water brush over their bodies. Trying to wipe the water out of their eyes, the couple gazed upon the pair of twins holding the now empty buckets.

"What in the bloody hell were you two doing!" Hermione yells at the pair

"We just thought you two should cool down a bit and come join us for dinner. Ron told us you two were snogging like wild animals up here and we thought we could help fix the problem" Fred says smirking, after taking one last look at us, the twins departed

"I can't believe them!"

"Hey calm down. It's not like i haven't seen you all wet or anything" Harry says seductively

"You know....everyone is downstairs. I have been on a plane for hours and i could really use a shower. Care to join me?" Hermione whispers

"What about dinner?" Harry asks looking out the door

"So let me get this straight. You would rather go downstairs and eat dinner instead of taking a nice, hot, and naked shower with me?" Hermione asks him almost in disbelief

Harry instantly picks her up and carries her to the bathroom. Laughing could be heard all the way uptairs but of course no one disturbed the couple.


They have slept together before. Like right before Hermione went away for her trip to France. They are both 16, and its all consensual.

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