Part 12

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As time went on, Remus eventually came back which was great for almost everyone.

That morning i quickly woke up, showered and changed before heading down to the common room to wait for Hermione. After about 20 minutes of waiting, i started to get nervous. Hermione should have been down here by now?

In almost an instant i heard footsteps coming downstairs. I turned around to see Parvati.

"Hermione said you would be waiting down here" She says amused

"I always wait for her. Is she alright?"

"Not really. It seems she is a tad bit sick. She won't be going to classes today but wanted me to let you know" (No. she is not pregnant)

Thank merlin she is alright. I was worrying for nothing.

"Okay well thank you for telling me. I won't keep you from breakfast any longer" I tell Parvati

Quickly she leaves the common room.

Well if Hermione is stuck here being sick, then i wouldn't want her to be alone.


"Master Harry called Dobby" Dobby says excitedly

"Yes. Can you please transfigure the stairs so i can go see Hermione. Do you mind bringing her some food? She is sick today"

"Dobby will be honored to bring Harry's lady some food" Quickly Dobby pops away, but of course not before allowing me access to the girls dorms.

I quickly made my way up to her room and slowly opened the door. She was wide awake and laying down reading a book.

"You should be resting you know"

"Harry! What are you doing here? Classes will be starting at any moment" She asks

"I couldn't very well pay attention in my classes when my girlfriend is stuck here being sick. I decided to stay here and take care of you" I said as i sat next her and placed my arm around her

"You don't need to do that. It's just a bit of a cold. I will be fine here"

"Yes you will. And as your boyfriend, it is my job to take care of you. Now any moment now Dobby will bring you some food, can't have you missing breakfast"

"I love you" She says snuggling deeper into my arms

"I love you too"

As the day went by, i was dealing with her stuffy nose and sneezes. Hermione hasn't been feeling much better, but i haven't left her side. We have done our homework and studied.

"Hermione you're very warm, do want to maybe take a cold bath?" I suggested as i felt her head in the crook of her neck

"Not really. Can't you just stay here and cuddle with me?" She asks wrapping her arms around me tighter

"Love i want you to feel better. Now I'm going to run a bath because none of the girls are here. Okay?" I tell her before heading to the bathroom

"But my head hurts and I'm too hot to move. Can't i just stay here" She whines

"This will help you cool down" I called to her from the bathroom

I ran a semi cold bath for her, only to bring her temperature down. Once the bath is filled i walked back in her room to see her half naked. All she had on was a bra and underwear. What is she trying to do me?

"You're beautiful" I tell her

She quickly turns around a faces me, i can see the slight blush on her cheeks.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Harry. I only took my clothes off so i can get in the bath" She says

"I know"

She walks past me and heads for the bathroom. While she was in the bath i decided to write Sirius a letter, just letting him know what has been going on. After about 10 minutes, i heard the bathroom door open. Hermione slowly walks out in a towel. Her hair was still dry, she must not have gotten in yet.

She looks so angelic, especially with her wavy hair draped over her face. I am really lucky.

"Hermione not to be crass, but if you weren't sick.... there would be things we would be doing right now. You're gorgeous" I tell her

She slightly looks down then proceeds to walk over to me. She then grabs the collar of my shirt and brings me to her lips. I didn't even care that she was sick right now.

"I want you Harry....but not while I'm sick" I could see the disappointed look on her face

" about you take a bath with me?" She suggested hoping to improve my mood

"I would love to"

She smiles and takes my hand leading me into the bathroom. She tosses her towel off her body and sits in the water. She then stares at me waiting for me to strip and join her. I quickly stripped off all my clothes and got in right behind her. I leaned against the bathtub while Hermione leaned against my chest.

"The water feels nice Harry. I can already feel my fever going down"

"Yeah it does"

I wrapped my arms around her waist while we relaxed in the bath together. The bath helped since it was cold, it prevented me from getting too excited. It was nice having a relaxing time with no worries about people bothering us.

"Hermione, i suggest that we get out now. Classes will be ending soon and no doubt your roommates will come up here"

"Yeah okay" She says slowly as she stands up and gets out of the bath

We both dried off and put our clothes on. Hermione is feeling less warm and i could tell she has more energy. I had Dobby give her another potion to help her feel better.

"Now. I don't want to get in trouble for being up here. So please rest for the day and don't stress yourself. I will be back to check on you later" I tell her giving her a quick kiss

"Thank you for staying with me Harry. I love you" She whispers

"I love you too"

I left Hermione resting for the reminder of the day. I didn't really care about classes today because we spent the day together.

"Harry mate where have you been! Snape was pissed that you weren't in class. He nearly gave you detention for not showing up" Ron says running over to me

"Hermione was sick. So i took care of her for the day" I tell him

"Awww" I heard a few girls say behind me

"You are so sweet Harry, spending the day with Hermione" Ginny says

"Thank you"

Today was a wonderful day. I got to spend all day with my girlfriend, and i didn't even care how much detention i will get for skipping classes. She is worth it.

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