Part 27

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It has been 2 weeks since school began again, and it has been nice. There have been so many congratulations towards Harry and I, including lots of talk about the wedding. Today we took a break from discussing the wedding because Harry had a game today.

I watched Harry fly towards the ground before pulling up and grabbing the snitch. I knew he would win.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" I heard the announcer yell

Next thing I knew i was pulled in a tight hug by Ginny. Gryffindor has won yet another game, this time against those blasted Slytherins.

"We are so winning the cup this year" I tell her

"Hermione look who is flying over here" Ginny says pointing over to Harry

I saw Harry flying towards our booth in the stands. He was sweaty and had the biggest smile on his face, as did most of the school.

"Well, soon to be Mrs.Potter, Do you want to take a ride with me?" He asks offering his hand, I looked around to noticed most people were staring

I heard a few whistles and giggles surrounding me, but i didn't care about them. I couldn't possibly deny Harry when he asked me that.

"How could I say no, especially when you asked me in front of the whole school" He held out his hand to me and helped me sit right in front of him

Without looking back at the staring crowd, Harry raced off the court and started flying over Hogwarts.

"It reminds me of buckbeak" I heard him whisper in my ear

I always thought back to that moment in third year. It was the first time i flew on anything, and i was scared for my life. I was glad to have Harry with me and i didn't feel scared when i was with him.

Eventually we flew down towards the forest and planted our feet. Harry got off and helped me stand.

"Good job on your win. I knew you could beat slytherin"

"Well it helped having you watch me" He mumbled as I pulled his body closer to me

He leaned down for a kiss, but before we could connect our lips, i heard an owl. I turned my head to see Hedwig flying towards us with a letter in her claws.

"Hello girl. What do you have for me?" Harry asked not so sweetly

He took the letter and i could see the smile on his face start to disappear. I started to worry.

"Harry what's wrong?" I asks trying not to seem to worried

"It's Ron....he wants to meet us in our dorm. He wants to talk with both of us, apparently it is very important"

"Why? I don't want to see him. I still don't forgive him after he suggested that the only reason you would want to marry me is a pregnancy. Also the part where he kissed me, knowing how upset i was. Why would I talk to him?" I started to get angrier as i remembered everything he said

"He was our best friend for 4 years, I want to maybe hear him out. I'm still upset about him kissing you....but he was my first friend and I want him to be my best man. So can we please hear him out? I'm not asking you to forgive him....just listen to what he has to say" He begs pulling me closer to him

I still wasn't sure about Ron, he really hurt me. Harry on the other hand....well i couldn't deny him.

"Fine. Let's go" I hesitantly gave in to his pleading

He grabbed my hand and gave me a quick kiss. We both got back on his broom and flew over to Hogwarts. We walked hand in hand to the common room passing by the game of chess that was going on. I held his hand tighter as we walked up the stairs and opened the door to his room.

I saw Ron sitting on his bed looking down at the floor. His eyes immediately went up and widened as we walked in front of him.

"Um...thanks for coming. I just wanted to talk" He says quickly

"Then talk" I demand

"Well I just wanted to start by saying how sorry I am for everything. I shouldn't have kissed you Hermione or said that stuff about the pregnancy. I was just being daft, people say i don't think. You guys have been my best friends and I don't want to ruin that over my stupid jealousy. I guess i was upset and lonely....I'm truly sorry"

His speech made me feel some sort of sympathy for him but I didn't want to forgive him yet. He broke my heart. But I could see the look on Harry's face as he smiled.

"You know it will take some time for me to get over this. But how about we forget the whole thing? I understand. I have been jealous before and I've made mistakes. You need to understand that I love Hermione with all my heart and I don't plan on letting you have her. She is mine, so if you even bring your lips close to her again....i will hex you without sympathy" Harry threatened

"Whoa...I promise mate. I just need to find a girl of my own. I know what i did was wrong and I won't betray you again...i promise" Ron finally said

Harry and Ron both hugged each other tightly. I was glad Harry was happy. I on the other hand, didn't want to forgive him quite yet.

"Since we are good, what do you think about being my best man?"

"I would he honored"

I stood there and watched there little reunion, and i felt nothing. I walked out of the room and down to the common room to collect my thoughts. Harry and Ron can be friends but it will take time for me to get over what he said. I knew Harry would walk down eventually and make sure i was okay, so i didn't worry about him.

I took a seat on my favorite chair, and luckily i had a book with me. I loved getting lost in what I was reading. Currently I was enjoying Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. My mother sent me this lovely muggle novel for Christmas.

I was so caught up in my book i didn't even notice when Harry and Ron sat on the couch. I looked up and noticed they were looking at me.


"We have been sitting here for 20 minutes and you just now noticed us. It must be a wonderful book to keep your mind so occupied" Ron says amusingly

I just rolled my eyes and continued reading trying not to acknowledge their existence. They act like everything is back to normal again. We haven't talked in weeks and he acts like everything he said doesn't matter anymore. Sometimes he could be so careless and insensitive. Even Harry doesn't realize that I'm upset.

"Hermione? Are you alright?" Harry asked me

"As a matter of fact, I'm not alright! Will you two please excuse me?" I yell quickly stomping to my room

I couldn't believe them. It just made me so upset how easily Harry could act like nothing happened. He didn't even bother asking me how i felt about Ron.

I opened the door and fell on my bed. I just wanted to sit forever and read my book. I knew Harry wanted to come upstairs, but he had no way because of the staircase.

"Hermione are you alright? Ron and Harry said you go upset at something. Do you want to talk?" She asks sweetly taking a seat on my bed

I told her the whole story about what happened, and even she was upset. I just wasn't ready to be his friend again and Ginny understood that, unlike Harry.

"It will blow over you know, how about we eat dinner up here? You seem like you could get away from people"

"That sound lovely"

We stayed in my room chatting and eating our dinner till late at night. I was glad Ginny and I were talking, it has been awhile since a real conversation.

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