Part 22

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Hermione's pov

Knock knock

I got woken up to sound of someone pounding on my door, it was still early so i didn't bother asking who it was. I opened my eyes slightly to see a sleeping Harry next to me.

"Harry? What are you doing in my bed?" I ask covering myself with the blanket more

"You asked me too" I heard him whisper

Knock knock

"My parents are going to kill me" I tell him

"Oh well" He whispers before fully falling back asleep

I didn't bother him anymore since i wanted to keep sleeping as well. I moved over and snuggled against him warm chest before falling alseep.

Just as i closed my eyes i heard a women beginning to yell at me.

"Hermione Jane! What is Harry doing in your bed? We told you specifically that you two are to sleep in separate rooms" I heard my mother lecture

I quickly sat up and looked at my mother. She didn't look angry just a little disappointed. I pushed Harry instantly waking him up.

"Mum I'm so sorry! Nothing happened i promise. We were just so tired, i didn't even notice till 5 minutes ago that Harry was in my bed. Please don't tell daddy!" I beg of her

"Please Emma. I wouldn't betray your trust like this. We were just very tired, i didn't even remember falling alseep last night"

"I know, people make mistakes. It's fine as long it doesn't happen anymore. I personally don't have an issue with it, but i rather not have your father beat Harry out of the house. Now....get dressed and come downstairs, or did you forget that it's Christmas" Emma says happily before walking out

"Hermione i know I'm tempting but you can't have me sleep in your bed anymore" He says in a conceding tone

"Just get out of my bed and come downstairs" I pushed him out of the bed making him fall on the floor

I couldn't help laughing.

A while later....

"Harry! Let's go. I want to see what you got me!" I yell running down the stairs

"Now sweetheart, Christmas is not all about presents. It's about family" My father tells me

"Of course....i know...I'm just really exciting about spending time with my family. Merry Christmas daddy" I walk over and give him a tight hug

"Okay. I'm down here. There was no reason to rush" I heard Harry say behind me

I eagerly sat on the couch pulling Harry next to me. One by one i open my presents, as well as Harry and my parents. Harry got many presents sent from teachers, friends, and the remainder of his family. He was freaking out over this new magical knife Sirius got him.

"Well thank you so much for the tickets Harry. I have always wanted to see a Quidditch match" My father says happily

"Of course. You two deserve it, thank you for taking me in and treating like family. I haven't had much of that in my i really appreciate it" I grabbed his hand and hold it tightly

I felt myself starting to get emotional. I forget sometimes that Harry hasn't had the best life in the past. I'm really happy he will always be apart of my family now.

"No need to thank us. You're going to be our son in law, that means your family" My mum says smiling slightly.

I have gotten so many books and clothes and sweets, but then i realize i still haven't received my present from Harry.

"Um....Harry?" I begin to ask him

"Yes mione?"

"Where is my present?"

"Well I guess I should give it to you, i mean you sat here for so long" He jokes as he turns behind the couch and picks up a box

I slowly open the box, i didn't want to ruin the wrapping since it was so nicely wrapped. I finally lifted the lid to see....a crystal ball?

"If this is your way of telling me to try divination again, i absolutely refuse. I can't handle her. Telling the future is not possible, she just guesses. I can't believe you....!"

"Mione. It's not that type of crystal ball. I had some help from Remus and i placed all our important memories inside the crystal ball. I had him access them from my mind. It's like how a pensive would work, except you would place them inside this crystal ball rather than a pensive to view them. All you have to do is place both hands on it and think of a memory. As we make more memories, they will automatically transfer to the crystal ball. Only you will be allowed to see the memories, well you and i. If someone else tries it, they won't see anything"

I listened to him describing this object in front of me, i felt the slight tears spread down my cheeks. I have always wanted to see these memories and watch them with Harry. Everything from my life i can see. Everything with Harry.

"Thank you so much" I pulled him in for a tight hug, hoping to never let go

"I thought you should always have the ability to see these moments. I never wanted you to forget anything in your life. I really love you" I heard him whisper in my neck

I let him go and looked around the room, my parents were already gone. They must have gotten a message that we wanted privacy.

Smiling at the thought of being alone, i grabbed Harry's collar and pulled him to my lips. He leaned into my lips again this time with more force. He presses me back on the couch and begins to climb on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands moved in my hair, he suddenly began moving his lips planting soft kisses along my jaw.

"Harry....stop. You forget that my parents are still here" I whisper pushing him off me

"Sorry. Sometimes i just can't help myself around you. You're just so perfect" He tells me lightly tracing his hand over the small red marks under my chin.

"Thank you"

Just as i was about to lean into him again, i heard this light tapping on the window. I looked outside to see Hedwig.

"Hey there girl, what have you got for me today?" Harry asked giving the bird a treat and taking the letter.


Dear Harry and Hermione

I read the letter Ron sent you a few days ago, and i am truly sorry he is a prat. I have been talking to my family and they have agreed to apologize for how rude they have been. Mum feels really bad about all the things she said, especially to Hermione. She just didn't realize that someone could find their soulmate at such a young age. We have invited the two of you to spend new year's with us. I hope you two can make it. Happy Christmas

Sincerely, Ginny


"Well what do you make of that? Do you want to go. It seems that Molly sounds sincere" Harry asks me

"I think we should...i mean if they are actually sorry" I agreed just because i missed them, they were like my second family

"Then it's settled. We should change and go tell your parents. I have no idea where they went"

Harry grabs my hand make our way to find my parents. The holidays have been going so well, i hope this doesn't ruin them.

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