Part 30

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Hermione's pov

I ran as fast a possibly could. I tried to find a place to hide, but there was no where to go. I could feel the tears starting to stream down my cheeks. What happened to him?

6 hours before...

"Harry stop" I whined as i felt his light kisses along my neck

We just woke up and Harry refused to let me go back to my room. I had to get ready.

"Come on beautiful. We have no school today meaning we can stay in bed all day" He whispered with a slight devilish smirk on his face

"We have lunch with Sirius and Remus this afternoon, remember? They wanted to get to know us, discuss wedding details, and find out more about your life. He missed so much already. This means we can't stay in bed all day" I explained to him, his expression softened

"I know. I'm glad we are having lunch. But for now, we can stay in bed. We have hours till then" He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss

"Alright. Not too much longer" I gave in to his pleading

I moved my body against his and placed my lips on his. Slowly our mouths moved together as i felt his hand start moving up my jumper. He held tightly onto my waist as he climbed on top of me. I moved my legs around his waist letting our waists touch. Moving his lips off mine, i started to feel him sucking my pulse.

I felt my stomach starting to heat up as he thrusted against me.


"Harry! Are you awake? Did you put a privacy spell on your bed?" I heard Ron ask

Harry stopped moving and looked at me. I could see the frustration in his eyes.

"You know he doesn't have to know. It isn't like he can do anything. I liked your idea before, let's just pretend that he doesn't exsist" I tell him

I honestly didn't care what Ron wanted at the moment.

"Leave him alone, he is probably with Hermione. I imagine you wouldn't want to see a half naked Hermione walk out right? We will see him later" I heard Neville say

With the door shutting, i knew they left us.

"I always liked Neville"

He placed his lips back on mine, continuing with what we were doing.

Later that day...

"You look lovely Hermione. I am so happy you could join us" Sirius complimented as i pulled the chair out for Hermione, i could see the slight reddening in her cheeks

Sirius took us to very nice restaurant in diagon alley, which in didn't even know existed. Of course Hermione looked beautiful in her light purple dress, simply perfect for a lunch date.

"Thank you Mr. Bla...I mean Sirius"

"So how are you both? Excited for the wedding no doubt, from what i read, it will only be the biggest event of the year, besides the dark lord being defeated" Remus asks both of us as he looked at the menu

"It has all been quite stressful, but completely worth it. I am just happy we're getting married. So what about you? What have you been doing since being released?" I asked him

"I have been cleaning up Grimmauld Place. It is quite big so it's taking some time. Besides that, I'm just relaxing....something i haven't done in quite awhile" He says before taking a sip of his water

"Yes...about that? I have been told by professor Dumbledore that i own part of Grimmauld place, since it was in custody to my parents....I needed a place for us to stay this summer and...." I felt a bit strange asking him this, but i needed a place for Hermione and I to stay for awhile

"You haven't told them yet?" Remus asks interrupting

"Told us what?" Hermione asked

"Harry i wasn't fixing that place up for me. I am only staying there till it's finished and i had a feeling you two needed a place to stay since your going to be married. The place will be for you to live and be a happy couple. I will be staying with Remus after it's finished, part of my probation" He explains

"Your giving the house to us? That's wonderful" Hermione says excitedly


"Of course. As most newlyweds are, they need a place to....well you know. This of course without the weasleys disrupting" He says with a slight smile

We continued chatting for another hour talking about the wedding, and Hermione going on about school. Towards the end of the meal, i looked over to see Hermione staring off across the room.

"Hermione? Are you alright?" I asked her

"That man over there. He has been staring at you for the last 10 minutes. I don't know why but.... i have a bad feeling about it" She explains starting you grab her wand out of her bag

"She's right. Something's wrong. We need to leave immediately" Sirius immediately stands up and we began grabbing out things

Without warning, i felt Hermione push me a raise her wand towards the man.

"Stupefy!" She yells

He quickly fell down as the whole restaurant began running out. Before i knew it, more death eaters began showing up and shooting towards us.

"Hermione get down" I yelled grabbing her and pulling her behind the table

Remus and Sirius started firing back. The sounds of glass breaking ran throughout the restaurant. I had no idea how many were there, but it was enough.

"Harry get Hermione out of here! Now!" Remus yells as i heard more glass breaking

"I'm not leaving you! I am perfectly capable of fighting for myself!" She yells

"Hermione I'm not letting you get hurt. You are the strongest witch i know, but i won't allow you to get hurt" I begin her to leave

I could see the slight tear roll down her face. She pulled me in for a kiss before i helped her up and helped her out the door.

I saw her run and run. I didn't know where she was going but i knew she was safe.

"Who are you!" I yelled pointing my wand towards them

"You think because he is gone, everything is okay? He has many followers who will never stop hunting you Harry Potter. You and your mudblood wife" One of the masked men yells

Without noticing, I felt a sudden jolt of power hit my chest. I felt to the ground unable to move, i must have been hit. The sound of my godfather yelling my name was the last thing i heard before i saw darkness.

Hermione's pov

I ran through diagon alley trying to find someone to help me. The tears kept streaming as i thought of how i left Harry back at the restaurant. I understood why he wanted me to leave, but i couldn't believe it. I kept running till i saw someone i recognized.

"Professor Mcgonagall! Please! You have to help. The restaurant....death eaters...Harry and Sirius" I started to panic unable to get the words out.

She grabbed onto me before sending a few men back to restaurant to help them.

"It will be alright! They will be okay. Hagrid take her back to the castle and get her a calming draught immediately" She let me go and apparated

I hope he is okay.


Hello everyone and Happy Holidays! I hope you all have wonderful Christmas or any other holding that you celebrate. I had drama added to this chapter since many people requested. Please comment on what you think might happen. Happy holidays 🎄🎄🎄🎄

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