Part 25

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Harry's pov


We both came together harshly. I started to catch my breath once i fell right next to her. We had to house to ourselves so we took advantage of it. This was probably the last time we could sleep together before leaving for school, since the train was coming in a few hours.

"" Hermione says as her breathing increased

She laid her head on my chest as i wrapped an arm around her. I loved snuggling with her, especially after we slept together.

I loved when she made me feel like this, i felt all happy inside just thinking about every moment. I know it made me sound like a sap, but only Hermione knew how vulnerable i could get. I moved my hand across her arm stroking it softly, i saw her eyes begin to close.

"Mione you can't fall asleep. We have to leave in a few hours" I whispered not really wanting to wake her

"I'm tired. Can't we just sleep for awhile. I was up late with Ginny and Molly figuring out where the honeymoon was going to be. There was so many options. I had to look at dresses and cakes. I want to sleep" She whines

"You can sleep later tonight. Now get up....let's take a shower, it should wake you up" I moved out from under her and grabbed her arm

"I hate when you're right"

"I know"

She finally got out of bed and we walked into the shower. We didn't spend much time showering since there was loads to do today. Today we had to go back to Hogwarts.

An hour later...

"Harry are you packed and ready? The train will be here in 2 hours" I heard Hermione ask me

"You know, i just thought we could stay here and never leave. Packing is boring anyways" I told her pulling her on my lap

The weasleys were out in diagon alley, which left Hermione and i alone, they were getting the last of the school supplies before we had to go back. We didn't want to get hounded by the press, so we chose to stay in.

"I know you don't want to deal with the kids at school, but we have to eventually. Everyone will be happy for us. You've dealt with worse"

"I's just all the excitement was starting to calm down and now this happened and it ruined everything" I complained to her

"You mean our engagement? Our engagement has ruined your life once again, you know i could always take this off" She asks teasingly holding her hand up

"You know i didn't mean it like that. I just don't want to be hounded the moment we get to school. I like staying in our little love bubble"

"You sound like a girl you know. No one really knows how sensitive you are....but i know"

"Well that's our little secret" I give her a quick kiss before settling back on the couch

"Let's get packed and get ready to leave. They will be back at any moment" She said getting off my lap and pulling me up

Later that day...

It was finally time to go back to school, and i wasn't looking forward to it. Mrs.Weasley just dropped us off at the platform and was currently saying goodbye to her children. As Hermione and i were waiting many people have come up and congratulated us. Some were more happy than others, the reporters were rather hard to get through.

Once we said our goodbyes we grabbed our bags and went on the train.

"Congratulations Harmione"

"I can't believe you two are engaged"

"When's the wedding?"

"Hermione are you pregnant?"

"Can i see the ring?"

Everyone seemed to be shouting questions as we walked to find a compartment. Without answering their questions, we quickly made our escape and found a private compartment.

"Well that was even more exciting than when school actually started. I don't know if i can handle all these people" Hermione complains taking a seat on the couch

"It is going to be alright. At least they're happy for us....unlike some people" I tell her, she knew who i was referring to

"Let's not speak of Ronald. We haven't talked to him in days and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon. That stupid git. If he apologizes and makes up for what he did, then he can be our friend" I heard her mumble to herself

Knock knock

"Hey Harmione. Can we borrow Hermione for a minute? We just have some wedding stuff to deal with, you wouldn't mind?" Ginny asks standing with a few other girls

Hermione left with the girls and i could hear their giggling on the way out. I had no idea what they were talking about but i knew that Ginny was very eager to start planning the wedding.

"On behalf of every guy at are the worst. Marriage! Ginny won't stop going on and on about weddings. She is going to expect a ring in a matter of months" Dean complains walking into my compartment

I'm assuming he got kicked out by Ginny since the girls were most likely in his compartment.

"I'm not really sorry about it. I love Hermione and we are getting married in 6 months. It's a summer wedding" I tell him not the least bit sympathetic towards his feelings

"You're getting married? I still can't believe it. Congratulations mate, I'm sure Ron is having loads of fun planning your bachelor party. I better be invited by the way"

"Ron is being a rightful git at the moment. He doesn't support the marriage let alone my relationship with Hermione. I haven't talked to him, so i imagine the bachelor party is not on his mind" I tell him sulking back in the seat, it made upset to think about Ron, since he was my bestfriend

"Sorry about that. Don't worry, the rest of gryffindor got your back. I will spread the word....your party will be awesome." Dean says excitedly before walking out

Well there is one thing handled. Not that I'm not looking forward to the wedding, but i could honestly use a break. I imagine Hermione could as well since she is being pulled away by Ginny every second.

After another 20 minutes, Hermione finally made a reappearance. She had a very stressed look on her.

"How about no more wedding talk today, merlin knows i don't need anyone mentioning it" I suggested as she fell on the seat across from me

"Agreed. I just want a normal first week back. No more talks about weddings or cakes or honeymoons. Let's just be together as a couple" She got off the seat and walked over to me

Still tired from this morning, Hermione eventually dozed off. I let her sleep knowing how much stress she has been under. Now that we're back in school, some things might be too much to handle. But i do know that we can get through it, as long as we have each other.

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