Part 28

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After dinner last night, Ginny and I just stayed in my room all night. I woke up this morning feeling so nervous. I have never went this long without talking to Harry, let alone seeing Harry, but i needed time. I didn't even want to see him yet, lucky for me we don't have classes today.

"Hey. Are you going down for breakfast?" Ginny asks as i finished changing

"I'm not very hungry, but you should. I will be fine up here" I tell her

"Alright. I will check on you later" She says before walking out

Ginny's pov

I felt terrible for Hermione. She has so much stress on her and she doesn't need to deal with them, Harry was being very insensitive towards her.

I walked into the great hall to see Harry and Ron laughing like they used to. I walked over and took a seat.

"Ginny, how is Hermione? I haven't seen her today?" Harry asks worryingly

"What do you think? She is upset"

"What did i do?" Ron asks me, I didn't hesitate rolling my eyes at how stupid they were being

"Harry you are truly daft. Yesterday you just went and forgave Ron and started to act like nothing changed. Hermione isn't ready to forgive him and she doesn't want to talk to him. You both just talked to her like the last few weeks never happened, i mean you didn't even ask her what she thought. Ron didn't even properly apologize to Hermione. You put her through hell" I finished my rant and grabbed a piece of toast

I had to stop myself before i went too far. He just looked at me like I was crazy?

"I thought she forgave me?" Ron asks shocked

"Did you ask if she forgave you? Did you even let her talk to you before you ran off with Harry. You assumed that because Harry forgave you, so did Hermione. I can't believe you two" I couldn't even bother sitting with them anymore and stood up from the table

I looked around to hear the slight whispering. It was surprising to see Harry at the table without Hermione attached to him. People assumed they were having a fight, which they are.

"Gin? Where are you going?" Harry asks me

"You made me loose my appetite" Without finishing my food, i left the great hall and went straight to the common room

As i walked towards Hermione dorm, i heard singing inside.

"Close your eyes
Give me your hand, Darlin
Do you feel my heart beating,
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?
Am i only dreaming
Is this burning, an eternal flame?
I believe it's meant to be, darlin
I watch you when you are sleeping
You belong with me
Do you feel the same
Am i only dreaming?
Is this burning? An eternal flame..."

I have never heard her sing before. It must have been some muggle song, because I didn't recognize it. As i listened to the lyrics, i could understand how she felt. I continued listening to the wonderful voice for another minute before walking in the door.

"Hermione. I had no idea you could sing. It sounded so beautiful"

"Ahh! Ginny you frightened me" Hermione yelps holding her chest

"Sorry....but you sounded so good. I had to listen to the song. Your voice is so beautiful. I've never thought of you as a singer"

"Thank you. It isn't something i do often but i just started thinking back to something. I took music lessons when i was younger. So anyways....your back from breakfast early? Is everything okay?" She asks changing the topic, i decided to let her but i won't forget her singing

" i might of had a few words with the boys. I explained to them why you were so upset. Harry no doubt wants to talk to you"

"Maybe I should. I've never ignored him this feels odd. Is he downstairs?" Hermione asked me, i noticed her fidgeting with her fingers

"Probably. Good luck"

She then left the room.

Hermione's pov

I walked down the stairs to see Harry in the common room.

"Hermione. Please can we talk?" He begs when he sees me

"Of course. Let's go to our room" I grabbed his hand as we walked to the room of requirement in silence

I could feel his hand tensing up as we made our way through the halls. Making sure the halls were clear, we entered the room of requirement. I didn't need to think of a certain place, all i needed was the empty room.

"Alright, talk" I tell him

"I know your upset...."

"Upset! I'm way past upset! You just assumed everything could go back to normal. I don't want to be his friend yet and I'm not ready, and you didn't even bother to ask what i thought? You didn't even ask me how I was feeling! It was rude, and you and Ron just what....assumed i would forgive him if you did? He hurt me Harry, just like he always does. That boy kissed me! It takes time to get over that" I yelled before covering my mouth, i have never yelled at him like this

"You never yelled at me like that" I heard him whisper, i couldn't even look him in the eye

"I was stupid. I didn't even bother asking how you felt about Ron. We just let you walk out without even talking. You and i are different, i was ready to forgive him but you're not. I'm truly sorry i hurt you. I have never wanted you to feel awful or upset. We are to be married in a few months, and this is not how marriage should start. We need to talk and learn to compromise. You have a right to your opinions, and if your not ready to talk or forgive Ron, i won't rush you. I wanted my best friend back, so I hope you will be alright with me hanging out with him"

"That was never the problem Harry. I just wanted time to think and get over what he put us through" I finally looked him in the eyes wiping the fresh tears off my face

He looked so dejected and sad. I couldn't stop myself, i walked towards him and pulled him into my arms. I had no idea how long we stayed there, eventually we both let go. I could see the slight smile appear on his face.

"I love you Harry. I just want time to get over it" I tell him

"Take all the time you need. I love you Hermione" He leans down and presses his lips to mine

I Instantly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer, he moved his arms to my waist as i felt his tongue slip in my mouth. It has been too long since we kissed, so i wanted to get all of my frustration out. I missed kissing him.

"I missed you and your lips. It was hard not kissing you or touching you all day. I couldn't even...."

"That's not the only thing that was hard" I joked thrusting against him, i could feel him pressed to my thigh

"You know i don't react well to teasing" I could see his cheeks turn slightly red

"It was hard for me to. I wanted to kiss you the minute we walked in this room. You make it hard sometimes, just don't piss me off again. I can't go this long without you" I heard him laugh

"I can't make any promises" He says causing me to laugh along with him

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