Part 13

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It was only one week later that our next trip to hogsmeade came. It was nearing Christmas and the celebration ball was in just two weeks. I already had my dress robes but Hermione still needed her dress.

"Harry what color do you think my dress should be? I could always wear pink again" She asks snuggling into my arms, she was nearly shivering

"You would look gorgeous in any color dress"

"You are so sweet. Now come on, i told Ron we would meet him and Ginny at the three broomsticks before going dress shopping"

We walked in to see them both already in the booth waiting for us.

"Hey Harmione" Ginny says teasingly

"Still with the nickname? Haven't you grown tired of it" I asked her

"Not at all. It seems to be catching on. I heard Dean call you two that" She says laughing

"Anyways. I just came to pick up Ginny. We need to go dress shopping" Hermione says grabbing Ginny by the arm

"Yep. We will back soon" Hermione gives me a quick kiss and heads out of the shop

"Okay. Now that their gone, who should i ask to the ball?" Ron asks me

"I don't know. Who do you want to go with?" I ask him taking a seat across from him

"I have no idea. How about Lavender? She had a crush on me last year, I bet she would say yes. Maybe Luna, she is really pretty"

"Then i guess it's decided"

"Do you want to go to honeydukes? They give me free candy just for knowing you. If we walk in there we could probably walk out with half the store" Ron says excitedly

"Ron. I'm not using my fame to get you more candy" I tell him, how could he think i would ever do something like that?

"Fine. It was just a suggestion"

After arguing with Ron about honeydukes, i soon left him to go get a few Christmas presents, most importantly Hermione's.

I have decided to give her a ring. We have been dating for nearly 12 months.....I'm going to ask her to marry me. We may be young, and i don't expect us to get married now, after Hogwarts. So it's especially a promise ring.

I walked into the same jewelry shop i did nearly a year before. I thought about getting her a ring similar to her necklace, and i wanted it engraved. I had no idea how much it will cost, but money doesn't matter.

"Well. Hello Harry! I remember you here about a year ago. Are you here to get another present for Hermione? Perhaps earrings to match?" She asks excitedly

"Actually no. I wanted a ring, hopefully you have one matching the necklace i bought her? It had..."

"Oh i remember that necklace. I think i have the perfect ring to match" She says going to the back

She came back with a small black velvet box. When she opened it i saw a gold ring with a pink diamond. It was absolutely perfect.

"It's perfect. She will love it

"Well i hope she says yes" The cashier says as i passed her my money

After getting the ring, i quickly placed it in my pocket and walked back over to the three broomsticks. I knew Hermione would already be there waiting for me. Surprisingly, Luna was also with them.

"Hey. I was wondering where you went to" She says as i took a seat next to her

"I had to get a few presents, including yours"

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