Part 20

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Knock knock

"Dan. They're here!" My mother shouts excitedly, next thing i knew i was in her arms once again

My father soon joined us in our family hug. Eventually they let go of me, allowing me to grab Harry's hand.

"Well don't stand there out in the cold. Come in you two. We have been waiting ages for you two to show up" My father says gesturing us inside

I walked in to my living room and it was all the same. I felt this warm feeling in my stomach being back home. It is not the same feeling i get when I'm with Harry, it's just good.

"Well dinner is almost done. So how about we talk for awhile" I took Harry's hand and led him over to the couch and my parents sit across from us

"So Harry? Tell us about yourself. I mean Hermione has told us many things but we haven't got the chance to properly meet" My father says suspiciously

I looked over at Harry who was clearly nervous, seeing as his hand started to sweat.

"Well I would first like to start off by saying it is lovely to meet you both. I have been dating Hermione for over a year, so it's a bit odd meeting you so late in the game" Harry says laughing a bit

I felt my cheeks blush as i saw my parents laughing as well.

"It's lovely to meet you as well. You seem like a fine boy for my daughter" My mother says affectionately

"Well Harry, Hermione tells me that you enjoy Quidditch? What is that like?" My father asks

For the next 20 minutes, i sat there listening to Harry and my father engage in a conversation about Quidditch. I loved seeing the excited look in his eye when he talked about it, it filled me with such happiness. I couldn't help but notice my father actually seemed happy talking to Harry, i was worried he would hate him.

"Hermione why don't you come check on dinner with me? I'm sure your father needs to have the boyfriend talk with him" I took one last look at Harry before walking into the kitchen with my mother

Harry's pov

"So Harry, what are you intentions with my daughter?"

I used all the Gryffindor courage i had just to answer this question. Of course i already fulfilled my intentions, but he doesn't know that yet.

"I love your daughter more than anything in the world. To me she is perfect. My intentions is to never leave her side over anything, and be there for her through everything. I know you have to play the protective father, but i love your daughter and i always will. She is the most brilliant, and beautiful girl i have had the pleasure of knowing" I blurts out

He just looks at me for a second before nodding his head. No words, he hasn't said anything. But i did notice the slight smile on his face when i finished my speech. I meant every word i said.

"Boys...dinner" I heard Emma said sniffling, i noticed the tears in her eyes, she must have been listening

I quickly moved to the table and sit right next to Hermione. I knew she probably heard what i told her father as well, and I'm glad she did. I just hope we have their blessing to get married.

"Harry i know it seems rude, but i couldn't help listening to how you talked about Hermione. You really love her, and she you. You two might be young, but if you were to get married now you would be one of those couples that last" Emma says before taking a bite of her chicken

I started eating with one hand, while my other one was locked with Hermione's. I could see the smile appear on her face all through dinner. She looked so....happy. Which she hasn't been as of recently.

Dinner was filled with conversations of school, divination, defeating the dark lord and among other things. As Emma begun clearing the plates, i felt Hermione pull on my hand. I looked over to see her look at me, i knew it was time.

" Can we talk to you please?" Hermione asks nervously

I saw the look of worry appear on both of their faces.

"You two have always raised me to make my own decisions and to do what i think is best. You have always supported me, whether it was standing up to bullies, or going to Hogwarts. I'm so glad to have you two in my life. But....I'm also glad for Harry. You both heard how he feels for me, and i feel the same. He is my heart and my soul, i don't think i could survive without him. I love him with everything i have. So we have to tell you both something...." Hermione finishes catching her breath

"Emma as you said before, if we were to get married, we would be one of those couples who survive. I for one agree" I tell her

"Mum, dad. Harry proposed to me and i said yes" Hermione finally blurted out holding up her hand

Before they could respond, Hermione started talking once again.

"I know what you're thinking. We're too young. But i don't think age matters as long as you're truly in love and we're the same age. I love Harry and i want to marry him. We are not planning on getting married right away, possibly after graduation. I need you two to support us in this. You're the only family i have who will. The weasleys were awful and didn't support us. So i hope you will"

"Sir, i don't know how much a traditionalist you are, and I'm sorry i did not ask first. I love your daughter and i will take care of her for as long as i live. I hope you two will support us" I looked at both of them, Dan is glaring at me, while Emma looks like she is about to cry

"We're going to go discuss this, excuse us" Emma says pulling Dan away from the table

After they were gone, Hermione engulfed me in a tight hug, of course i instantly hugged her back.

"Oh Harry....i hope they will be alright. I saw how my father looked at you, don't worry. My mother will talk sense into him" Hermione explains trying to ease my nervousness

"I love you Hermione" I whispered before placing a soft kiss on her lips

"I love you too" She whispers smiling back, but our moment was soon interrupted as we heard a door open

I see Emma run in smiling, her father appears next to her with a smile on his face as well. I knew the minute i saw them, they were happy.

"Ahh!" Hermione screams running over to her parents

"Thank you! Thank you! I love you both so much. It means everything that you two support us" Hermione exclaims

"Well we knew it was bound to happen, and I'm happy that it's with this boy. I can tell how much he cares for you. So Harry? Welcome to the family" Dan says pulling me over and allowing me to join their hug

I couldn't help it, i finally had a family.

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