Part 7

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Later that night....

We just got back from dinner and we're enjoying the warmth of the fire. I was currently sitting on Harry's lap in the armchair. His arms are wrapped around me and i leaned my head is against his chest, it couldn't be anymore perfect.

"Do you know who that girl was sitting next to Ginny today?" Harry asks me

"Luna Lovegood. She is in ravenclaw. People say she is....kinda....strange? People call her Looney Lovegood. Her father owns the quibbler" I tell him trying not to sound too rude when describing her

"You mean that weird magazine that talks about mythical creatures?" He asks in a surprised tone

"Yep. People think she is off or something, but how can that be if she is in ravenclaw. Ravenclaws are naturally brilliant you know"

It has always puzzled me if Ravenclaw is where I should have been, but I'm glad where i ended up.

"I'm glad you weren't. Then you probably wouldn't have of met me. Besides ravenclaws are snobs, well only one Ravenclaw in particular" He says, I knew exactly who he was referring to

"That's sweet" I turned a bit on his lap so i could face him

I couldn't help getting lost in those gorgeous emerald eyes of his. I seem compelled to always loose myself. Slowly i leaned down and presses my lips to his. I felt his hands under my shirt as he started rubbing my waist. I grabbed his collar pulling him closer to me as his tongue suddenly slips into my mouth.

He then unattaches his lips from mine and began kissing my neck.

"Mmmm....Harry.....we should stop....people could walk in" I tell him breathlessly

"You started this you know" He says comically

"Yes. But i actually wanted to talk about something first"

Lately i have been doing research on the mind and about how Harry used to get visions from Voldemort. I read something about occlumency, and i thought why not try it? I think it would be fascinating to read each others minds and see each others memories.

"What is it?"

"If you would be willing....i want to practice occlumency with you"

"Really why? It's not like you need to look inside my mind. All you would see is yourself, since your always on my mind"

"As sweet as that may be, i think it will be a good skill to learn. What if another evil wizard tries to look inside your mind. Please Harry" I begged him

"When do you want to start?" He asks finally giving in

"Tomorrow night. I still need to go to the library tomorrow and find some more books. This is going to be great" I tell him

"Sure. Now it's late. Do you want to come up to my dorm and sleep there tonight? None of the guys will mind"

"Depends are we going to be sleeping?" I whispered

"Of course" He rolled eyes

I just laughed and got off his lap. I grabbed him hand and pulled him up the stairs towards his dorm. As i slowly opened the door i could tell all the guys were already sleeping.

"Perfect. Now let's get changed" I tell him

I got on his bed and i perform a privacy spell allowing the curtains to shut around us. I quickly stripped down the my underwear and bra eventually pulling one of Harry's jumpers over my head.

"You know I'm going to expect that back" He says before stripping to just his boxers

"Well your never going to get it" I teased

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