Part 8

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"Excuse me? Can you repeat what you just said to me" Hermione says laughing a bit

"Cho kissed me this morning" I told her almost hesitating to repeat it again

She turned away from me, probably trying to collect herself. After a few minutes in the closet she finally turns around and faces me. I could see the tears run down her cheeks.

"Did you kiss back?" She whispers

"No! I would never cheat on you. I instantly pushed her away and left straight for the great hall" I tell her

" me wand" She says sticking her hand out

"Hermione i don't want you doing something you regret. I know what she did was wrong but hexing her won't solve anything"

"I don't care" She says reaching for her wand

Being the good boyfriend i am, instantly moved away from her....well as far as i could in the closet.

"Hermione please your a better person than this"

"Well right now I'm going to hex that witch into the next dimension. Now give me my wand!" Hermione yells

"I'm not going to let you do this. She knows we're together and probably wanted to make you upset"

"I know. It's just upsetting to know that girls are always going to be after you. Especially now, i don't know what girl in their right mind wouldn't want to be with you. And of all people it had to be her"

"Well none of those girls matter. I love you and i always will. You are so perfect Hermione" I pulled her in for a tight hug

"I love you to" She whispers before pressing her lips to mine

"So are you going to be alright" I asked her

"Eventually....just now everytime i see her I'm going to think about hexing her over and over again. Anyways we should leave, people will probably think we're shagging in here or something"

"That wouldn't be so bad" I started to lean in, but she soon places her fingers over my lips

"We're not doing this now. Let's go and i promise we can finish this later"

I quickly peeked out the closet door making sure no one is in the hall. Since the coast is clear, i grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the closet.

"Harry why are you trying to be all sneaky about it? Classes are over, how about you and i go on a walk?" She suggests

"That sounds wonderful" I take her hand in mine and we walked out of Hogwarts and over towards our spot

Most of the school doesn't come out far towards the lake, mainly due to the merpeople in the water. We took a seat in our usual spot and laid down on the grass.

"What on your mind love?" I asked her noticing the look on her face

She has this look on her face whenever she was thinking. Her eyebrows squinted a little and she tends to stare down quite a bit. I happen to think it was adorable.

"Oh....i am just thinking of hogmeade. You know we have a trip coming up?" She asks as the smile appears on her face

"Of course. I have something already planned for you and i" I told her

"I know i shouldn't ask what it is, since i know you won't tell me. I will just have to be curious in my own mind"

We laid there for about an hour before heading back inside. I knew it was nearing on dinner by the time we got back to the common room. As we walked in i saw a few of the girls whispering to each other.

"Hey Harmione" Ginny says causing the girls to giggle

"What did you just say?" I asked thinking i didn't hear her correctly

"Harmione. It's yours and Harry's name put together" Parvati says giggling

"We thought you two should have a name like that. Besides it's adorable, most of the gryffindors agreed you two are the perfect couple" Ginny says happily

"You know i kinda like it" Hermione responds

"Really? I mean it just sounds like their saying your name wrong"

"No matter. I like it. Now head on upstairs and freshen up for dinner" she tells me

"Okay" I gave her a quick kiss before heading upstairs

Hermione's pov

"Hermione is it true what we have been hearing?" Padma asks as the other girls learn in

"What have you heard?" I asked a bit confused

"I heard from Luna that Cho was going on and on about what a great kisser Harry is. Did they seriously kiss?" Ginny asks

"That's just wonderful. Not only did that witch kiss my Harry but now she is telling everyone. This morning she grabbed his arm and forced herself on him. He immediently pushed her away though" I told them

"Oh Hermione. We're sorry. But it seems like you and Harry are still good" Parvati says sadly

"We're perfect in fact. I know he would never cheat on me. Now all i have to do is figure out a way to get back at that witch"

"I love getting revenge. So what are you thinking?" Ginny asks

"Well i promised not to hex i was thinking a little prank. Do you mind asking Fred and George if they will pull one on her? A really good one too" I asked Ginny

"Absolutely. They never pass an opportunity to pull a prank on someone" Ginny says causing the other girls to laugh

"Well i better go. I need to change into new robes. These one have grass stains in it"

"And why is that? Were you and Harry outside doing something you shouldn't" Parvati asks shocked

I felt a sudden pink hit my cheeks. But I'm still not too embarrassed about what goes on between Harry and i.

"Sorry girls but i don't kiss and tell!" I told them before heading up to my room to change

Once changed i walked downstairs to see Harry waiting for me in the common room.

"You changed?" He asks noticing my new clothes

"My other clothes had grass stains on it. I couldn't very well show up to dinner like that, people will think we spend all of our time shagging in the grass"

"Wouldn't be the first time" Harry says placing his arm around my waist

As we're walking to the great hall. I see Ginny in the hallway talking with her brothers. I knew what she was telling them. I felt bad doing this to Cho, but no one tries to come between Harry and i.

"What do you suppose they're chatting about?" Harry asks noticing Ginny as well

"Probably just another one of their pranks" I wanted to tell Harry the prank was my idea but it should be a surprise.

We soon walked inside and took our usual seats next to Ron.

"Well it's about time you two showed up. I was beginning to worry if you were either dead or trapped by your many fan girls, who might i add have been staring at you all day" Ron says laughing

I looked around the great hall to see many girls staring at Harry. I was not jealous, well not that jealous. Harry loves me and i love him and there is nothing that will change that.

"Don't worry love. They don't nearly compare to you" I heard Harry whisper in my ear

"Thank you"

I gave him a quick kiss causing Ron to look away. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. I have a feeling that Ron wouldn't be so disgusted with our behavior if he had a girlfriend.

Maybe he should?

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