Part 23

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Dedicated to: Queen42805


"I cannot believe we're doing this?" Hermione says placing her clothes in the bags

"You wanted to" I argued

"So did you, you said Molly sounded sincere" She exclaims

"She you not want to go anymore? Because i don't really want to pack in first place" I was being really lazy at the moment, so packing wasn't something i was interested in

"Of course I do....besides i miss Ginny. And remember, we get to share a room at the weasleys. Meaning i get to be with you all night, without parents telling us otherwise" She says in a rather suggestive tone

"You know we should definitely go....i mean what could hurt" I quickly got up and began packing as well

After about 30 minutes, Hermione and i finished packing up all our stuff. Currently Emma and Dan were at work, since it was only 3 in the afternoon. Honestly i was going to miss this place. I truly felt wanted and cared for here. They started to feel more like a family to me than the weasleys. I know that no matter what happens, i always have the Granger's.

"Harry i made sure to pack skates this time. Not that i didn't love slipping on the ice with you, but it will be more fun. I miss our little spot. You remember it right?" Hermione asks catching my attention

"Of course i do. That's where we danced in the snow, i gave you that necklace, we slipped almost everytime. But it was so beautiful. I can't forget it" I bring her closer to me and sat her on my lap

We were snuggled up together on her bed just holding each other. It was calming and it made me forget all about the weasleys for a brief moment. Of course i was nervous, i didn't particularly enjoy getting yelled at by someone who was like a mother to me. But i hoped that Molly would have gotten over herself.

The rest of the day passed by so quickly. The next thing we knew, Emma and Dan were packing up our stuff in their car. We were meeting the weasleys in diagon alley before heading to the burrow.

We got in the car and began our trip. I was going to miss being in the house, i thought of that place as another home.

"Harry are you alright?" Hermione whispers

"Yeah...its just i guess I'm going to miss your house. I felt as though i had a real family there. When we get back to the weasleys it's going to be stressful" I tell her

"Don't worry about it. If things don't go well we can always come back. And are part of the family. You are soon to become their son in law. This is your family" She leaned in and gave me a quick peck, of course i wanted more but her parents were still in the car

"Alright you two. Good luck, remember you are always welcomed back if things don't work out" Emma says as we got out of the car

Once they were gone, Hermione and i grabbed our stuff and walked over to the three broomsticks where we were meeting Molly and Ron. Hermione snuggled up to me as the snow and cold wind blew over us, quickly we made it to the warm building. I charmed our bags so they would shrink since we didn't want to carry them.

"There they are, you ready to do this. Do you have it?" I asked her

"Of course. As of now, i never leave without it. Let's do this thing" She told me gesturing to the small charm bracelet

She got a new charm bracelet from Ginny and had the crystal ball attached.

We put our hoods on and walked to one of the back tables. I still wasn't fond of the attention i would get if someone were to find out we were here, so we hid our faces. We got to their table and pulled our hoods off.

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