Part 15

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"What!" I quickly sat up after hearing someone yell in my ear

"I thought you would never wake up" Hermione says sitting up on the bed

Last night after our lesson with Remus we went straight to my room and fell asleep. I thought about sleeping in, since there were no classes. But Hermione clearly had a different idea.

"Hermione i love you and all, but we're supposed to be sleeping in. Meaning we should go back to sleep" I told her turning around and covering myself with the blanket

"Please. I'm too excited. The ball is tonight you know....besides I woke up early and I'm bored" She says whining

"Harry your roommates are already downstairs. So if you wake up now i will let you take a shower with me" I heard her whisper in my ear

"You're cruel you know that" I finally sat up

"I know. So are you ready for the ball tonight? I mean the ball is for you and we get to dance in front of the whole school. I can't wait to dance with you" She whispers slowly pulling me in for a kiss

"Yes. Of course I'm excited. Today is going to be a great day" I tell her

Tonight after the ball i will propose to her and hopefully she will say yes. It really is going to be a great day.

"What's on your mind?" I heard her ask, taking me out of my thoughts

"Just thinking about you and how beautiful you will look tonight....also how I'm suddenly in the mood to shower"

I quickly picked her up bridal style and walked her over to the showers. Let's just say that the day started off wonderful.

A few hours later...

Hermione's pov

After spending the morning with Harry, a few of the gryffindor girls decided to get ready for the ball together. Both Parvati and Padma, Ginny, Luna, and i were in my room doing our hair and makeup.

"Tonight is going to wonderful. I mean since I actually have a date who will notice me, I'm really excited" Parvati says excitedly

"That's wonderful. I just hope no nargles ruin tonight. I really am looking forward to seeing Ron" Luna says as she brushes through her hair

"And Ron won't have those ratted old dress robes" I add on, causing the girls to giggle

"So Hermione....are you ready for the dance you and Harry have to do?" Ginny asks me

"Yes. We both were great dancers last year, and we practiced a bit as well. So I just have to focus on him and i will get through it"

"Not like that will be hard. You two can barely keep your eyes and hands off each other. I've seen you two at dinner, and i swear your hands have a hard time staying above the table" Parvati says, i felt my face instantly turn red

"Anyways....the dance will be great. Now we only have a few hours before the ball and we still have lots of work to do"


"So are you guys ready for the ball? It's a pretty big deal to have a ball thrown just for you" Dean asks us

I was currently laying on my bed reading when he asked the question.

"It's not a ball for me. We're celebrating the end of the dark lord" I tell him, i don't like thinking that the whole ball is just for me

"Who you killed. If not, then why is Dumbledore having you and Hermione introduce the ball with a dance? The ball is because you defeated the dark lord" Ron says focusing on me

I quickly ignored them and started to think more about Hermione. What if she says no? At first it will be awkward, but i will heartbroken afterwards. I really hope she says yes. I know that it's very soon and we're very young, but i want to get married as soon as we graduate or possibly sooner. I will love her no matter what she says, i just really hope she says yes.

Later that night...

Similar to last year, i was waiting right outside the doors of the great hall. Everyone else was inside, along with people from the ministry, and press. This only made me even more nervous than before. I can't wait to read the daily prophet tomorrow and see the headline "savior of the wizarding world can't dance"

I knew i could do this, and it helped having Hermione with me.

Suddenly i heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned around only to see her. She looked gorgeous.

She had a beautiful full length red dress on with a sweetheart neckline. Around her waist was small red jewels seperating the top and bottom of her dress. She looked even more beautiful with her hair down naturally, along with a necklace and earrings to match.

"" I tried to tell her, but i couldn't seem to get the words out

"Thank you Harry. You look so handsome" She tells me

"So are you ready to make our dancing debut. I can just tell you now that no one will be able to take their eyes off look stunning"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be"

We lined up at the door with our arms locked. I felt the sudden ease when she was with me. No matter what happened tonight....i knew she was what i needed.

As soon as the doors opened we walked slowly in with our arms locked. I could heard the whispering chatter and the flashes from the cameras going off. The great hall was decorated similar to the yule ball but this one seemed more beautiful. I looked over at Hermione as we got to the dance floor.

"You ready?" I asked her


The music began playing as i placed my hand in hers while another was on her waist. She smiled at the fact that i remembered everything perfectly. Slowly i began to move along the dance floor with her in my arms. She was so graceful. So beautiful. We stared at each other as our dance steps were near on perfect. The dance ended far too quickly as i realized the music was fading. I slowly spinned her and then we seperated.

I could hear the sound of applause as i grabbed her hand and we walked off the dance floor. As soon as our dance ended, music began playing and people starteddancing. So far the night was perfect.

Later on...

We spent a good hour at the dance talking with our friends, dancing, and talking with the press. I knew now was as good as time as any to make our escape.

"Hermione. Come on" I pulled her hand and i walked her out of the great hall

"Harry where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

We walked to the ROR and the door summoned. The minute we walked in i saw the beautiful dinner and romantic bed set up.

"Harry....this is absolutely gorgeous. Have you had this ready all this time?" She asks looking around

"Yeah. I wanted to do something to celebrate our one year together and hopefully something else...." I started to say but i chose not to finish

"What is that something else?" She asks confusingly, i took her hands in mine

"Hermione....since third year i knew i wanted you. You were always so perfect in my eyes. I thought everyday of how beautiful you were and how you were always there for me. Then came fourth were the only one who believed me when my name came out of the goblet. You were there for me. I loved you from the moment i kissed you outside of that tent. The only way i have made it this summer....was you. Everyone who sees me only thinks of the boy who lived or the savior of the wizarding world....even Ron sometimes. You only see me as me. We have been through everything together, our first kiss, our first dance, our first time. What I'm trying to explain to you in this whole speech is....that i love you more than anyone and i want to be with you forever"

"So Hermione Granger....will you marry me?"

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