Part 14

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Harry has still been on edge around me. I have seen him talking with Ginny a lot. When i asked him about it, all he said that i would find out. But right now that doesn't matter, the ball is tomorrow night.

I'm so excited. The last ball was perfect. Maybe he will be planning something special, not just because of the ball but because we have been dating for a year. Harry told me he has plans to celebrate it, so I'm really excited.

"Hey mione ready for breakfast? " I heard Harry ask coming down the stairs

"Of course. But we should wait for Ron. I still feel like he is becoming a third wheel with us"

"Alright now what do you suggest we do while we wait?" He whispers to me

I instantly grabbed his collar and pulled him to my lips. As our lips collided i felt him push me on the couch and land on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and i grabbed his shirt tighter pulling him even closer, this caused him to start grinding against me.

"Harry....we have no classes today. We can always skip breakfast and my room" I tell him trying to catch my breath

Without responding he picks me, still with my legs around his waist, and begins walking me towards the girls dorms. I pulled my wand out and quickly preform a spell allowing Harry to come upstairs. He slowly walked up the stairs and before I knew it i was tossed on the bed.

He climbed on top and immediately and began running his hands over my body.

"You're so beautiful mione" I heard him whisper

I took his words and began unbuttoning my top before completely removing it. I wasn't wearing a bra at the the moment, i could tell he was surprised.

Before i knew it we both stripped off the remainder of our clothes and began devouring each others lips. I quickly preformed a controceptive spell.

"Harry....please....i need you"

He is finally moved inside of me causing me nearly to scream his name, it has been awhile since we've done this. Our bodies quickly moved together and i moved my hips up to meet every one of his thrusts. I could see the beads of sweat on his forehead as he breathed heavily.

"Harry....don't stop" I moaned causing him to grab my thighs and lifting my legs up higher

I could feel the pleasure in my stomach as felt my orgasm becoming closer. I could tell he was close since he started moving faster inside me. He pressed his lips to my neck and began sucking, i loved when he does this. I tried to hold out as long as i could but....

"Harry!" I screamed finally climaxing

He came just seconds after i did. Without pulling out he laid his head against my chest and started to kiss one of my breasts. I slowly moved my hand through his hair trying to catch my breath.

"That was..." He starts to say


He then moved out of me and laid right next to me. We laid there for a few more minutes. I felt his fingers lightly run over my stomach as he spooned me. It felt perfect.

"When are your roommates coming back?" He asks me

"No idea. I'm just glad they didn't come back while we were having sex. I would've felt bad for them seeing as you practically devoured me"

"I could tell how much you liked it. I bet all of Hogwarts could hear you scream my name" He says teasingly

"If you're going to tease me about my volume, then you will be finding yourself celibate" I tell him turning around

"You're cute" He says before pressing his lips to mine

"You need to leave Harry. My roommates could be back at any moment because there is no classes today" I told him pushing him away

"Or i could just stay here with know in bed" He whispers in my ear

"As much as i would like to stay in bed with you all day, we have a occlumency lesson with professor Lupin later and we need dance practice. Professor Mcgonagall asked us to do a waltz to introduce the ball, you know.... because the ball is for you" I tell him

"Fine" He groans

"Don't be a baby"

"Did you just call me a baby?" He asks

Without letting me answer he grabs my waist and starts tickling me. I tried pushing him away but then he began tickling my harder along my ribs.

"Harry stop!"

I pushed him off and climbed on top of him. I sat right on his waist and grabbed his wrists with both of my hands. He tried to get out of my grip but is very unsuccessful.

"You are a wonderful dancer and you did an amazing thing. All the school wants to do is show how much they appreciate you. So you will practice dancing with me so we are prepared for tomorrow" I tell him as sternly as i could

"Yes ma'am" He says as I finally let go of his wrists

"You know we still have time. How about we stay here for little while longer?" He asks placing his hands on my waist

"Fine. But I'm on top this time" I told him

We eventually made it out of my room after another round.


Harry's pov

We met with professor Lupin like we did every day. Both Hermione and i have gotten much better a occlumency. Professor Lupin has finally decided to try and view our happy memories. We have been keeping him from viewing then due to the fact that some might not be appropriate.

"Okay are you ready Harry?" Lupin asks me

"Yes. I have been practicing"


I suddenly felt this pressure in my head. I could feel him trying to make his way through my mind, but i did what he said and tried to find my happiest memory. I chose the memory of the yule ball last year. I could see Hermione walk down the steps towards me, our first dance, and our first time. It was the most perfect moments in my life.

I must have gotten caught up in that memory because I opened my eyes to see both Hermione and professor Lupin stare at me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked them

"It seems you got a little distracted with memory.... i might have saw something. Well i will just pretend that i didn't see that. Will you two excuse me....Hermione" He says awkwardly while avoiding eye contact with either of us

He then walks out of the room. Our lesson must be over? Why was he acting so weird ? Could he possibly have seen the memory, i mean he said i was distracted.

I can't believe he saw that memory. How can i look him in the eye ever again?

"So he saw your happiest memory. What could be so bad about that?" She ask confused

"My most happiest memory was the yule ball....and what happened during the yule ball" I whispered to her

"He saw us....oh no! How can i ever face him again? I'm humiliated" She says covering her face with her hands

"He will just forget about the whole thing. Everything will be alright. You know it's actually funny when you think about it"

"Harry your uncle just saw us having sex. That is not funny!"

"Ok. Let's not worry about this now. The ball is tomorrow and we still need dance practice" I tell her taking her hand out of the classroom

I couldn't believe it, tomorrow is the night. The night i will propose.

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