Part 6

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Harry's pov

Summer has gone by far too quickly. Already two weeks into school has went by, meaning quidditch is coming. We were going to have tryouts but Oliver was afraid that if we allowed new people to be part of the team this year, we wouldn't win. It is his last year so no wonder he wanted to win. But then again gryffindor won every year except third.

"Harry don't forget practice today" Oliver says reminding me again for the third time today

How could i forget? I really was looking forward to playing again, since there was no quidditch last year due to the tournament. I miss being on a broom.

I was on my way to meet Ron and Hermione in the common room before practice. Ron needed help with his homework, and he somehow managed to convince Hermione to help him. I walked into the common room to see Ron and Hermione fighting.

"No Ronald!" I heard Hermione yell

"Hermione come on! I need the help. Why don't you get off your high horse and help me" Ron says practically begging

"I offered my help but all you wanted to do was copy my work. You always do this, i won't stand for it anymore!" Hermione yells crossing her amrs

"Harry tell your girlfriend to let me copy her work"

I looked at Hermione for a second and i could see her raise her eyebrows. Of course i wanted Ron to do his work, but i seriously don't want to get on Hermione's bad side. I love her and all but she can be scary too, it's one of the things i love most about her.

"Ron how about you except her help rather than copy her" I suggest

"Because it still doesn't make sense when she explains it. You know i bet she would let you copy her work"

"Actually all i do for Harry is look over his work when he is done. He never asks to copy my work Ronald" Hermione says taking a seat on the couch

"Fine. I will get my stuff" Ron says finally giving up, he then marches upstairs

"You do let me copy your work sometimes" I tell her taking a seat on the couch

"I know. Although you attempt to do the homework before asking for help....and besides how can i ever say no to you" She says

"You know your hot when you get angry" I tell her pulling her closer to me

"Then you must think I'm hot all the time" She whispers before pressing her lips to mine

I instantly began kissing her back. Our mouths moved together as I felt her tongue move across my bottom lip and force its way in my mouth. I grabbed her waist and pushed her on her back and laid right on top of her. I then moved my kisses to her neck which caused her to start moaning.

"Harry....we....are..." Hermione starts to whispers but she can't seem to get the words out

"Ahhh! Come on guys!" I heard Ron yell in disgust

I climbed off her and looked over by the stairs where Ron seems to be waiting.

"Sorry mate"

"Yeah. Let us just get this homework done shall we. I want to be able to go watch your practice later Harry. I heard that Oliver is setting up some sort of practice game with ravenclaw" Ron says walking over to us

We're able to get Ron's homework done in time for practice. Hermione decided to come watch as well, well at least I had my good luck charm.

A little while later....

Oliver has set up this whole practice game with the Ravenclaw. Their team isn't bad but they don't stand a chance against Gryffindor.

I got in my position lining straight across form the Cho Chang. I looked at her and i can see fluttering her eyes and flipping her hair. I then looked over towards the stands to see Hermione, Cho had nothing on her.

Once the whistle blew, i flew up higher to try and get a better view of where the snitch might be. Of course the minute i moved Cho moves up with me.

"Hey Harry" She says flirtatiously

"Hey Cho"

"So how is everything going? You know with being a totally strong and handsome hero. It must be so hard to look that good, you know?" She says moving closer to me on her broom

"Cho I'm dating Hermione" I tell her not falling for her trick for even a second

"Granger? Well why have her when you can have me? I mean you and i would look great together. I heard a rumor that your a romantic, you know secret dates and midnight swims and all. I love that in a guy"

Before i could respond, i suddenly saw her broom begin to move back and forth and upside down. She looks like she is having trouble staying on it. Why would her broom....?

I looked over towards Hermione who is silently whispering to herself. I thought it was actually funny, i never thought she would get so jealous. I soon left Cho with her broom and kept my eye out for the snitch

I looked down towards the goal to see the shiny gold ball flying around. I held on to my broom and flew straight towards it. Of course since my broom was one of the fastest i easily grabbed the snitch leading Gryffindor to win.

"Nice on you Harry!" I heard Oliver yell

After practice i flew over to the stands to meet with Hermione.

"You don't have to be jealous you know? I told you that i wouldn't fall for any of them"

"Sorry. But you have to admit it was funny watching Cho nearly fly off her broom" Hermione says

"Come on" I grabbed her hand and helped her get on the broom

Since we still had time before dinner i decided to take her on a broom ride. Since last winter she has gotten used to riding.

I could see the sun nearly setting as we flew over the forest.

"Harry can we go to black lake." Hermione asks shyly

I flew down towards the edge of the forbidden forest and landed near the lake. This lake was rather special to holds great memories.

"Harry do you want to go swimming? I mean i know it is nearing fall but it's still rather warm out" She asks me

I instantly agree. We both began stripping to out underwear, making sure the coast is clear. Hermione was the first to get into the water.

"Come on Harry! You want to leave me all alone in the water" She teases as she began to splash me

I jumped in the water and instantly grabbed her waist and pulled her under the water. After splashing each other for a while and chasing each other, we knew it was time to leave. It would look rather odd if we showed up for dinner soaking wet.

I pulled her to my lips. The kiss was not as long as most of our kisses but it's still passionate.

"We don't come here enough. It is our spot you know" She says sadly wrapping her arms around my neck

"I know. I promise we will come here more often. Now we should really get going. I want to dry off before dinner" I tell her as i grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the water

"You look beautiful you know" I tell her noticing her body in the moonlight

"Thank you Harry but let's not start something we can't finish. Your the one that wanted to dry off"

I performed a quick drying spell on both Hermione and i before getting dressed. We soon left the lake and headed to the great hall for dinner.

I think it was a pretty good day.

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